Sprawdzi ktoś??Please

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Chciałabym, zeby to ktoś poprawił, bo na pewno jest kilka błędów....

I have decided to redecorate my bedroom and I'm wondering if you could give me some ideas.
Firstly, I am going to change color of wallpaper or ultimately clear out. You think that better will be green than blue? Or maybe I must to remote wallpaper and colour wall? Do you know a place where I can buy inexpensive emulsion paints and also tools for example: paintbrush, stepladder. I don’t know that I can try doing decorate or call for repair team? Could you advise me what I must to do? Which version will be better?
Then, I want change style my bedroom. My bedroom has retro’s style but now I want absolutely modify fashion.
>I have decided to redecorate my bedroom and I'm wondering if you
>could give me some ideas.
... and I wonder if you could give me some ideas
>Firstly, I am going to change color of wallpaper or ultimately clear
...the colour of wallpaper
You think that better will be green than blue?
Do you think green will be better than blue?
Or maybe I must
>to remote wallpaper and colour wall?
Or maybe I should...
Do you know a place where I can
>buy inexpensive emulsion paints and also tools for example:
>paintbrush, stepladder.
...and tools like paintbrush and stepladder
I don't know that I can try doing decorate
>or call for repair team?
I don't know if I should try to do all the work by myself or...
Could you advise me what I must to do?
...what I must do?/...what I have to do?
>version will be better?
>Then, I want change style my bedroom.
Then, I want TO change the style of my bedroom
My bedroom has retro's style
>but now I want absolutely modify fashion.
Sprawdź jeszcze słownictwo
słownictwo jest okay, bo pisałam też niektóre słowka ze słownika:)

It was nice surprise to hear from you again after so many ages. I'm really sorry I've taken so long to get back to you but I was busy and also sick.

Czy mam wybrać jedno z dwóch początków, czyli albo, że było miło usłyszeć ją od tak długiego czasu czy zacząć od drugiego zdania??
Mozna jakoś połączyć oba?
w ang. piszemy najpiewr rzecz. a potem przymiot.? czyli jak mam po polsku zimny Hary to będzie cold Hary?
a czasami piszę się najpierw adj. a potem noun, why??
It was a nice surprise...
najpierw przymiotnik potem rzeczownik, np.:

a nice blue dress
nieważne jak najpierw piszemy po polsku, to zawsze najpierw przymiotnik a potem rzecz??
ale to jest w liscie...
więc piszę w odpowiedzi, to musi byc to a??
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Studia językowe