proszę o sprawdzenie rozprawki

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cześć :)
proszę o sprawdzenie mojej pracy :) i poprawienie błędów
dzięki za pomoc :) ;)

Nowadays a lot of animals live in zoos. Is it right or wrong to keep them there. I will thy to show some pros and cons of this phenomenon.

There is no denying that zoos have number of advantages. First of all, zoos have special programmes to breed endangered spaces. Thanks that people, especially children, can see live threatened beautiful exotic animals. Secondly beasts have good living conditions in zoos. They do not starve because they have plenty of food and water, specially trained vets take care of them and protection from poachers and hunters is assured. For that reason animals live longer than in the wild. What is more, the living conditions in zoos are improving. Beasts live as close to the natural habitat as possible. For instance, water and other natural barriers are used to separate animals from each other and from the visitors.

On the other hand, animals are forced to live in an unnatural environment. There is not enough living space in zoos. It causes that, bests are often unhappy and restless. It is also true that, some animals do not breed in zoos. Furthermore, they all depend on people and they can not do things in their natural way. For example hunt or chase a prey. Moreover, the worst thing is that animals living in zoos can never be released into the wild because they would not survive.

In conclusion, it seems that keeping wild animals in zoos have as many pros as cons. The decision what it means for people depends on their personal choice.

dzięki za pomoc:)
pozdrawiam ;)
Matka Chrzestna 8)
Is it right or wrong to keep them there?(znak zapytania)
I will try to show (mozna tez 'explain') some 'pros and cons' (moze lepiej advantages and disadvantages) of this phenomenon.
First of all, zoos have special programmes 'to breed' ('for the breeding of') endangered 'spaces' (chyba species). Thanks TO 'that' (lepiej 'this') people, especially children, can see live, threatened, (potrzebne sa przecinki)beautiful exotic animals. Secondly 'beasts' (such as ....daj przyklad) have good living conditions in zoos.
....'It causes that' (to cos jest niezgradbne, moze 'consequently') bests are often unhappy and restless.
In conclusion, it seems that keeping wild animals in zoos haS as many
'pros as cons' (advantages as disadvantages). The decision what WHAT it means for people depends on their personal choice.
dziękuję za pomoc :)
trochę zmieniłam :)
czy może być tak? mi się wydaje że teraz jest lepiej niz na początku, ale moze są jeszcze jakieś błędy ?:)

Nowadays, a lot of animals live in zoos. Is it right or wrong to keep them there? I will try to present some pros and cons of this phenomenon.

There is no denying that zoos have a number of advantages. First of all, they have special programmes to breed endangered species. Thanks to this people, especially children, can see threatened, beautiful, exotic animals alive. Secondly, beasts have good living conditions in zoos. They do not starve because they have plenty of food and water, specially trained vets take care of them and protect from poachers and hunters is provided. For that reason, animals live longer there than in the wild. Moreover, the living conditions in zoos are improving. Beasts live as close to the natural habitat as possible. For instance, water and other natural barriers are used to separate animals from each other and from the visitors.

On the other hand, animals are forced to live in an unnatural environment. There is not enough living space in zoos, which often makes animals unhappy and restless. It is also true that, some animals do not proliferate in zoos. Furthermore, they all depend on people and they can not do things in their natural way. For example, instead of chasing a prey they are given food. And the worst thing is that animals living in zoos can never be released into the wild because they would not survive.

In conclusion, it seems that keeping wild animals in zoos has as many for as against. The decision whether it is justified or not depends on personal opinion.

i co? ;)
nie rozumie dlaczego dalej uzywasz 'pros and cons' lepiej jak napiszesz advantages - disadvantages.
Thanks to this people, przecinek jest po zlym slowie, zmienilo caly sens tego zdania. Twoje zdanie teraz jest , ...ze dzieki tym ludzia, dzieci itd.... czy niemialas na mysli, ze dzieki tym 'special programmes' - a wtedy zdanie powinno byc...Thanks to this, (przecinek -tzn programmes), people...
In conclusion, it seems that keeping wild animals in zoos has as many
'for as against' (for as against czego???)
ok zmieniłam
a ostatnie zdanie może tak?:

In conclusion, it seems that keeping wild animals in zoos has as many good as bad sides. ?
Tak - teraz jest lepiej - good and bad sides, mozna tez 'aspects'
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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