Bardzo proszę o pomoc :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo proszę o pomoc. Mam za zadanie napisać historyjkę, w której opowiadam o swoim najdziwniejszym śnie... Ma to być napisane w
4 czasch i nie bardzo wiem czy dobrze ich użyłam. Te czasy to: past perfect, past continuous, past simple i past perfect
continuous. Ta historyjka ma mieć od 1[tel]wyrazów. Nie wiem co zrobić, żeby ją ubarwić i czy nie ma w niej błędów. Bardzo
proszę o sugestie i korektę :).

Oto ona:

I had the strangest dream last night. I was walking down a road and it was hot. The road was almost deserted, empty and dry. I was
thirsty. I knew that if I didn't find someone soon, I was in real trouble.

I turned with the bend of the road and there was a man looked like criminal. When he saw me, he took out bottle of water but I was
afraid to ask about it.

I had been walking for two hours when I came to a shop. There was a lots bottles but empty. After few minutes I found one full of water. I was drinking and I fall down. Eventually I woke up in hospital.

Cała historyjka ma 117 wyrazów.
Last night, I had the strangest dream in my life. I was walking down a road and it was hot. The road was almost deserted. I was thirsty and just knew that If I didn't find someone soon, I would be in real trouble. I turned with the bend of the road to find a man looking like a criminal. When he saw me he took a bottle of water out of his pocket, but I was afraid to ask (him) for it. I had been walking for two hours when I got to a shop. There were a lot of bottles, but all empty. After a few minutes I found one full of water. I drank it all and fell down. Eventually I woke up in hospital. The doctor said I had fainted because of dehydration. (ostatnie zdanie zmyslilem, aby uzyskac komplet uzytych czasow przeszlych)
Dzięki wielkie :)


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