Wish ?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam problem.
Kiedy używamy zdan z wish i would ? jeśli co chcemy wyrazić?
A kiedy używamy wish i past tense ?
Tak szybko i w wielkim skrocie:

1) wish + would - jesli pragniemy zmiany czyjegos zachowania lub jesli zmiana bylaby w miare "realna", np.:

I wish he would stop leaving his clothes on the floor!
I wish it would stop raining...
I wish that dog would stop barking!

(uwaga: nie mowi sie: I wish I would. Jesli juz, to: I wish I could, np. I wish I could stop smoking)

2) wish + czas przeszly (did) - jesli zalujemy, ze obecna sytuacja nie jest inna (niemozliwe do spelnienia)

I wish I was taller.
I wish I had more money.

3) wish + czas zaprzeszly (had done) - jesli zalujemy sytuacji z przeszlosci (tez niemozliwe do spelnienia)

I wish I hadn't lost that key!
I wish I had told him about the situation.
a ja z wielka checia dodam cos, co bardzo czesto umyka uwadze:

wish + past progressive

wyobraz sobie, ze jestes na lekcji, i chcialbys byc teraz w domu i grac na komputerze - wowczas mowisz:

I wish I was playing my favourite computer games now.
I wish I wasn't sitting in the classroom at the moment.

a wiec wszystko, co tyczy sie terazniejszej sytuacji, w danej chwili, jest przedstawiane za pomoca czasu ciaglego przeszlego!
podobnie po I'd rather + cont. inf., podczas gdy zwyczajny inf. odnosi sie do przyszlosci
I'd rather have a cup of coffee = make me a cup of coffee
I'd rather be having a cup of coffee (but I'm drinking some non-descript tea)
Dziękuje wam bardzo, już teraz bardziej to rozumiem :)))))))
I wish I was taller.
I wish I was playing my favourite computer games now.
I wish I wasn't sitting in the classroom at the moment.

I don't care what we can read and hear every day; all of the above are not up to scratch and should be rewritten:

I wish I were taller.(Because I am not tall enough)
I wish I were playing my favourite computer games now.(Because I am not playing ...)
I wish I weren't sitting in the classroom at the moment. (But I am sitting...)
Gosh, where have you been all my life??
I've been secretly hoping for a bit of constructive criticism from a prescriptive grammarian... ;-))

But seriously, both forms: "I wish I was" and "I wish I were" are acceptable, though the latter is considered more formal, true enough. Or do you see it as more "hypothetical"?
>But seriously, both forms: "I wish I was" and "I wish I were" are

so is, to some folks, 'irregardless'. It sounds super shitty to me, but then there are people who really rely on redundancy ;)
Subjunctive, go home!!!!
Subjunctive, go home !!!
;-))) Booooo!

Anyway, I wish I WERE a language purist, but some things one cannot help.
>But seriously, both forms: "I wish I was" and "I wish I were" are
>acceptable, though the latter is considered more formal, true enough.

Like I care what you might think.
As if I cared what you might think.
Which is more to your liking? (Not that I dare say "better.")
If you cannot say, "ESL classes, here I come" has got to be the battle cry for you.
Besides, you comma splice. That's not good.

>Or do you see it as more "hypothetical"?

The subjunctive, or what's left of it, has its meanings.
It's no grammarian's wet dream, you know.
P.S. I do happen to teach ESL classes, by the way. And yes, we try not to impose grammar rules from the early sixties if we can help it.
>P.S. I do happen to teach ESL classes..

you've just been debunked! ;)
And so I have... ;-))
Subjunctive, go home!!!!
Subjunctive, go home !!!
;-))) Booooo!

it can't; Pink Floyd's 'I Wish You Were Here' is amongst us forever and it's invincible - no one will ever want to listen to an 'I wish you was here'

Besides.. I have an investment in the subjunctive..I've learned the goddamned thing ;)
"YOU was" is hardly ever correct, though. ;-)
Plus, I'm not really trying to make a case against the subjunctive here (couldn't care less, to be honest). Just wonder how many people out there actually say "I wish I were" as opposed to "I wish I was"...
>"YOU was" is hardly ever correct,

hehe.. I shot myself in the foot :))
Hey, no worries, could be worse... ;-)
You could be splicing commas, for instance. Now THAT'S BAD!
>You could be splicing commas, for instance.

as if I knew what that is.
>you've just been debunked! ;)
Smart. Fast. I like that.
Witam! Proszę o pomoc,jak napisać oficjalne życzenia świąteczne dla szefa?
Np. I would like to wish you, and yours family Happy Easter!
czy może być tak?

Hmmm... As if one CARED for your rarely bestowed approval, sir.

Or, in plain English:


>>>The subjunctive, or what's left of it, has its meanings.
It's no grammarian's wet dream, you know.
by Buncombe

ma swoje OGROMNE znaczenie; gdyby nie 'subjunctive' w ponizszych przykladowych zdaniach, mielibysmy calkiem inne zdania ('subjunctive' sposrod kilku swoich znaczen wyraza m.in. zyczenia):

God save the Queen! (Chron Boze...)
God saves the Queen.

Lord help him if... (Dopomoz Boze...)
The Lord helps him if...

Heaven forbid you should leave. (Nie daj Boze...)
Heaven forbids you should leave.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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