proszę o sprawdzenie dialogu!!!

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A; Hi Mariusz! I phoned to you yesterday evening, but you didn’t be at home. What did you do?
B; Oh, yes I remember I was in cinema. I had very hard week at school, so I must to relax myself and I go to the cinema it was great idea for me. I decided to go very late so I didn’t phone for you.
A; Ok! Never mind, what kind of film you watched?
B; I watched “Scary movie 3”, because I thing it’s very funny film, but I disappointed. I must say, I wasn’t only one person who things it was very bad movie.
A; Why you say that, can you tell me something about this movie.
B; Ok, why not! I relate you how looks like my visit in cinema. I couldn’t go to good cinema because was to late, and I went to our old cinema. You know uncomfortable chair, leaking roof and so on. But I hoped this time it would be better. I was wrong. At cinema was five people add me, the showing started five minutes late. They had so kind of problem with their machines. Everything was all right, film started. As you may remember the first Scary Movie contained some real humorous scenes and couple of pretty well-done parodies. In this film you couldn’t expect nothing like that. It was full of not funny scenes, maybe some of them are, but only a couple, stupid storyline and it was boring. Only some nice actress seen in this film didn’t let me fall asleep there, and this terrible armchair. Oh, the Scary Movie II also tries to caricature some other films, like: 8 mile, sign, which is the great movie by the way. Scary Movie 3 really scares. With it’s foolishness, not funny jokes and stupidity surrounding all of the scenes. When the film ended, at cinema were two person me and man who fall asleep. I froze and I run to home drink something hot.
A; So you hadn’t good evening?
B; Yes, but I hate movie about movies since I watched scary movie 3, next time I will phone to you I promise.
A; Ok!! Good bye
B; Bye!!
poczekaj, sprawdzam. duzo tego jest.
Hi Mariusz! I called you yesterday evening, but you wren’t at home. What did you do?
B; Oh, yes I remember, I was in the cinema. I had a very hard week at school, so I had to relax and I went to the cinema. It was a great idea for me. I decided to go very late so I didn\'t phone you.
A; Ok! Never mind. What kind of film did you see?
B; I saw “Scary movie 3\", because I thought it would be very funny film, but I was disappointed. I must say, I wasn\'t the only person who thought it was very bad movie.
A; Why do you say that? Can you tell me something about this movie?
B; Ok, why not! I will tell you how it was. I couldn\'t go to the good cinema because was too late, and I went to our old cinema. You know: uncomfortable chairs, leaking roof and so on. But I hoped this time it would be better. I was wrong. There were five people add me in the cinema, the show started five minutes late. They had some kind of problem with their machines. When everything was all right, film started. As you may remember the first Scary Movie contained some real humorous scenes and couple of pretty well-done parodies. In this film you couldn\'t notice nothing like that. It was full of not funny scenes (really few fanny ones), had a stupid storyline and it was boring. Only some nice actress seen in this film didn\'t let me fall asleep, and this terrible armchair. Oh, the Scary Movie II also tries to caricature some other films, like: 8 mile or sign (which is the great movie by the way). Scary Movie 3 really scares. With it\'s foolishness, not funny jokes and stupidity in all of the scenes. When the film ended, in the cinema were two persons; me and man who fell asleep. I froze. I run to home drink something hot quickly.
A; So you hadn\'t good evening?
B; No, I had. But I hate movie about movies since I watched scary movie 3, next time I will phone you, I promise.
A; Ok!! Good bye.
B; Bye!!
to tak mniej wiecej. na pewno jeszcze jakieś błędy są.
np. pierwsza linijka, POWINNO BYĆ: What were you doing?

dalej nie chce mi się czytać.
dzięx, za pomoc, nio trochę mi się tego napisało, jak by ktoś jeszcze mógł mi wskazać jakies błędy byłbym bardz wdzięczny :-)
tez tak mysle :)
help :-0
Poprawka Ma jest całkiem niezła chociaż kilka drobnych błędów jeszcze jest. Nie wystarczy ci? Chcesz dostać piątkę za czyjąś pracę?
pozno juz ale jescze tez cos dopisze :o)
\"I was in the cinema\" - uzylabym raczej \"I went to the cinema\" - dlatego, ze ktos sie zapytal co robilam (a nie gdzie bylam) oraz potoczniaki raczej chyba mowia \"went...\" a nie \"were/was\" jak byli w \"kinie, teatrze, ZOO\" pomimo tego ze doslownie to sie tlumaczy \"poszlismy do\" :) wtedy oczywiscie nie uzylabym tego sformuowania drugi raz. Skonczenie zdania \".....I had to relax.\" wydaje mi sie OK.
\"It was a great idea for me\" - hmmm nie wiem co chcesz powiedziec... i to nastepne zdanie tez jakos dziwnie brzmi. :)
\"I saw...., because...\" - ja bym napisala \"I chose to see..., because....\" ale to takie \"czepianie sie\" :)
\"Why do you say...\" - ja bym zamienila na \"What makes you say that?\"
\"I will tell you how it was\" -> \"I\'ll tell you what it\'s like.\" albo cos podobnego...
\"It was too late to go to a decent/good cinema so I had to go to our old one instead.\" albo \"It was so late that all decent cinemas were closed so I had to go to our old one.\"
\"Only pretty actresses and this terrible cinema chair didn\'t let me fall asleep\" albo \"Only...... kept me awake\".
\"When the film ended there were only two people in the cinema: a man who fell asleep and I (me - cholera?).\"
\"I froze.\" - masz na mysli temperature? \"I was freezing\" albo \"I was very cold\" ale polacz to moze z czyms bo samo to jakos tak (moze wspomnij wczesniej( przy cieknacym dachu), ze kino nie mialo ogrzewania (no heating).
\"So you didn\'t have a good evening, then\"
\"No, I did not!\", \"Scary Movie 3 has put me off watchcing movies about movies once an for all.\"
cos takiego...pewnie powotrzylam wypowiedzi innych ale niestety widze tylko Twoj tekst jak to pisze :o)
Ok, I\'m getting bored so I can add something:
-->I had a very hard week at school, so I simply had to relax and because it was already late, I decided to go to the cinema. At that point it seemed to be a very idea. The only reason why I didn\'t call you is that it was late.
-->I don\'t mind, don\'t worry about it. So which film did you see?
-->I saw \"scary movie 3\". I thought it would be worth seeing, but instead of being funny it turned out to be dull. I was disappointed.
-->it was a very bad movie - \"a\" musi byc
-->.... i tak dalej: troche to dlugie...
I couldn\'t go to A good cinema...
because IT was too late... etc....
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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