since I have been working

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Co myślicie o poprawności tego zdania ?

I haven't had a rise in salary since I have been working for the company.
I haven't had a rise in salary since I have been working for the company.
Powinno być: I haven't had a pay rise since I started to work for the company.
Jest jak najbardziej poprawne. :)
rajtuzzi, czyli wg Ciebie takie zdanie : He has been unkind since I have known him jest nie dobre, a zdanie He has been unkind since I got to know him jest ok?
Eee, trochę dziwne to zdanie.

I haven't had a raise (AmE) since I started working for the company.
Oba zdania są poprawne. :)
no wlasnie, oba zdania sa gramatycznie porawne, ale gydym mial uzyc PresPrefCont, powiedzialbym "for all the time I've been working..."
>Eee, trochę dziwne to zdanie.

jest jak najbardziej OK

I haven't had a (pay) rise/[US] raise in salary since I have been working for the company.
...odkad pracuje w tej firmy.

>I haven't had a raise (AmE) since I started working for the company.

troche inne zdanie, ale tez opisuje, ze nie mialem podwyzki w tej pracy
...odkad zaczalem pracowac w tej firmie.
>powiedzialbym "for all the time I've been working..."

Po co komu stosowac takie konstrukcje! Rozumiem w takim zdaniu:
I started work here two years ago, and have been working for the company for all the time.

'for all the time' jako spojnik troche nadwereza szare komorki ;]
>>Eee, trochę dziwne to zdanie.
>jest jak najbardziej OK

Gramatycznie owszem. Ale progressive az sie prosi o cos innego tam niz "I haven't had a rise in salary"; czegos tam po prostu brakuje, bo tak jak jest, nie brzmi zbyt naturalnie.

Besides, "Eee, troche dziwne to zdanie" is just my opinion. Don't they teach at school how to distinguish facts from opinions? A fact can be proven, therefore, it cannot be disputed. An opinion is a belief aboue a fact.

In my opinion, the sentence sounds weird, that's all. "Eee, troche dziwne to zdanie" is not the same as saying "The sentence is incorrect", therefore, you cannot respond with "jest jak najbardziej OK".
>therefore, you cannot respond with "jest jak najbardziej

that was my opinion as well; I didn't write, 'jest jak najbardziej OK pod wzgledem gramatycznym', just, 'jest jak najbardziej OK'
still, the fact is that it is grammatically correct
cheers, eva ;)
>still, the fact is that it is grammatically correct


So is "Colourless green ideas sleep furiously."
>So is "Colourless green ideas sleep furiously."

I'm afraid it's beyond me to understand the sentence! ;[
Conclusion : the sentence is grammatically correct, but sounds unnatural.
Possible fix : use "for all the time I have been working" instead of "since I have been working"

I haven't had a rise in salary for all the time I have been working for the company.

That's all I guess :) thanks.
Jako, że since używa się głównie do określenia punktu startowego, dla mnie najnaturalniej brzmi zdanie "I haven't had A RAISE in salary since I started to work/working for the company".
>Jako, że since używa się głównie do określenia punktu startowego, dla
>mnie najnaturalniej brzmi zdanie "I haven't had A RAISE in salary
>since I started to work/working for the company".

couldn't agree more.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.