jak czytam teraz jakie błędy popełniłam to aż sama się sobie dziwie, po prostu szybko to napisałam i nawet nie zwróciłam uwagi na podstawowe rzeczy jakimi są między innymi czasy, dziękuje bardzo za poprawienie tego całego tekstu i wyjaśnienie tych wszystkich błędów to chyba najważniejsze :) mogę wysłać jeszcze raz całą wersje poprawioną żeby sprawdzić czy wszystkie błędy zostały poprawione.
It has been three years since Poland joined the European Union. On May 1st people overwhelmingly voted to support accession and now the vast majority of them recognize the benefits which are associated with it. Joining the European Union has given Poland the possibility of improving our national situation in among other things Polish business. Being a member of the European Union is a great chance which we should take advantage of.
First of all open borders enable Poland to run freely a business in the whole area of the European Union. The free flow of polish products within the framework of internal market means the abolition of duty between the country members. This phenomena contributes to the fact that some of polish business can develop. As we have possibility to launch Polish products therefore some of them become well-know in other countries.
Another benefit of joining the European Union for Poland has been the rapid flow of foreign capital. International business started to invest in Poland by building new places of employment or by helping the businesses which went bankrupt. This had a large positive influence for economic growth in Poland. After joining the European Union it is sad that conditions for running business activities in Poland positively improved.
On the other hand if Poland wants to equal the level of business of another country member we have to bear large charges. As a result of long-term delay in polish business. We have to adapt our market to the requirements of the European Union, so which is connected with large costs. Some of experts say that Poland has to cover a long distance before a profit is rendered from being a member of European Union.
To sum up I strongly believe that Poland joining the European Union brought more benefits than harm. We ourselves can notice how much has change and what is more, that polish people have stopped complaining about their economic situation. Poland received a great chance and everything depends on us, to use it appropriately.