Zwroty w muzeum

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1-30 z 35
poprzednia |
Jak znacie jakieś zwroty które mogą być użyteczne w muzeum proszę, podzielcie się nimi.

You mustn't touch it etc :)

z reguly wszystko jest redagowane bardzo bezosobowo
people are not allowed to eat, touch, speak loud etc.
w zasadzie nigdzie nie spotkalem sie z napisem co wolno.
Dzięki, chodzi mi o zwroty konwersacyjne.

Please, move away from the exhibit (item)/display case.
Please, remain quiet.
Tak będzie dobrze?
Not this way, that way please.
All visitors are requested to proceed/head/direct to the exit.
jest OK, czasem jesli chodzi o to aby trzymac sie od czegos z daleka pisze sie tez keep off sth,
Requested czasem jest zastepowane przez implored
requested -nakaz
implored prosba
generalnie wszystkie plakietki na scianach sa w stronie biernej
Z tym implored to na serio? implore=błagać
Tak,wprawdzie brzmi to ekstremalnie grzecznie, ale im powazniejsza instytucja i co za tym idzie osoby ja odwiedzajace tym dalej jest to posuniete.
Wiesz, jest to zwiazane z tym, ze pelno tu lordow, serow i innych gosci bardzo powanie traktujacych swoje tytuly i ktos moglby poczuc sie obazony, taki kraj:)
No tak ale jak będzie za mało stanowczo to nikt nie będzie się słuchał :)
Get out of my museum otherwise you will spend the night in here
Are these OK?

The exhibition opens from 8(a.m.) to/till 4(p.m.)
We open at nine o'clock every day
The museum is open to the public from seven days a week from eight o'clock in the morning to four o'clock in the afternoon.
Books, brochures, postcards, souvenirs are available for purchase at the Museum shop/store, on the ground floor, right next to / right by the exit.
I'm afraid but this room is not open to the public / to visitors;
I'm afraid the Museum store is closed due to illness.
I'm afraid the only bathroom is for the museum staff use only. ;)
The building is quite old, we have only one bathroom for the museum staff use only.
We open at nine o'clock every day. (Mozna tez...We open at 9.00 a.m. every day)
...The museum is open to the public 'from' FOR seven days a week from 8.00 a.m. to 4.p.m.
I'm afraid 'but' (but niepotrz) this room is not open to the public / to visitors;
Racja, dzięki.
showing the tourist group around the museum:

Ladies and Gentelmen
May I have your attention, please!
It's my great pleasure to show you around the museum.
Let me briefly introduce myself.
Please stop me if I'm going/proceeding to fast.
If you have any question please don't hasitate to ask.
If you have any question I'll be glad/happy to answer them.
It might be useful for you to see the film about the history of the Museum.
Could you switch on/of the light, please?

The collection of our museum is very rich.
In the museum's collection there are old paintings, sculptures and the king's robes.
Here you can see ...
Ladies and 'Gentelmen' Gentlemen
...going too fast.
If you have any questionS please don't hEsitate to ask.
If you have any questionS I'll be glad/happy to answer them.
Could you switch on/ofF the light, please?
The collection of our museum is very 'rich' (moze lepiej extensive).
Terri dziękuję za poprawę.

Kolejna porcja zdanek kto wie może sie przydadzą:

Please come near/nearer to me/the sculpture.
Please approach me/the sculpture.
Please go up closer to get a better look.
Please come up to me/the painting.
A moze lepiej zaczynać inaczej np. Could you/Would you please etc ???

May I have your attention please.
Would you please be quiet.

The painting/wall paintig/sculpture/print/drawing/Gobelin (by Picasso) shows/depicts ...
This print collection is from the end of/close of/beginning of the 18th century.
This print collection is from the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries.
This is a painting of Napoleon by David.
His landscapes are full of ever-changing colours
This is an oryginal/a copy.
Please come near/nearer to me/the sculpture.- Ja lubie jak ktos powie...Would you like to come near...
Please approach me/the sculpture- would you/could you all...
Please go up closer to get a better look- If you like, you can go closer/nearer to get a better look at the...
Please come up to me/the painting.- mozna - would you like ..
May I have your attention please-ok
Would you please be quiet- tego nie. Lepiej ..Could you please stop talking/ be silent for a moment
The painting/wall painting/sculpture/print/drawing/Gobelin (by Picasso) shows/depicts ...(mozesz It was painted in x year, when the artist....)
This print collection is from the end of/close of/beginning of the 18th century. (tutaj wg mnie..We are very fortunate to house this print collection which originates from the beginning/middle/end of the xxx century)
This is a painting of (mozna dodac The French Emperor) Napoleon by David.(pelne imie (zauwaz Daviiiid)-dating from the year 17... before/after Napoleon...
His landscapes are full of ever-changing colours-ok
This is an oryginal -ok, mozna dalej.unfortunately, this is only a copy, but very, very close to the original (which is housed in the x Museum in x).
Można używać też "why don't we..." jako propozycję i
"would you mind (not doing that)" zwracając komuś uwagę
Terri, thanks for your proofreading and useful ideas. Thanks to ullak for a tip.

(pelne imie (zauwaz Daviiiid) -> I don't get that.
David - to nazwisko powinno byc wymawiane po franc. nie jak David Beckham, ale mniej wiecej jako Dawiid.
Jak rozmieścić obrazy na ścianach?
How to lay out/arrange the paintings on the walls?
Would you like me to hang/lay out/arrange them symmetrically/in a line or asymmetrically.
Would you like me to hang them on the wall one by one or in pairs?
What level should they be hung at. Na jakiej wysokości mają wisieć?

Czy te zdanka są poprawne?
How to lay out/arrange the paintings on the walls? -ok
Would you like me to hang/arrange them (lay them out) symmetrically/in a line - ok
Would you like me to hang them on the wall 'one by one' (moze lepiej individually) or in pairs? -ok
What level should they be hung at - ok (eye level or higher)-ok
>How to lay out/arrange the paintings on the walls?


>Would you like me to hang/lay out/arrange them symmetrically/in a line

would you like me to ... lay them out/hang them/arrange them in a line
would you like me to line them up? (or mabye stagger them?)

jesli symmetrically to w stosunku do czego? Jak symetria to musza byc dwie strony, nie?

>Would you like me to hang them on the wall one by one or in pairs?

przeciez zawsze sie tak wiesza :) One by one = one at a time. Nie wieszasz 10 od razu. Jesli chodzi Ci, jak bardzo maja byc oddalone od siebie to mozesz spytac: how would you like me to space them out? Would you like me to hang them close together.. or seperate them. How far..? How close..? How high?..How low?

>What level should they be hung at. Na jakiej wysokości mają wisieć?

ok.. or ..what height..
nie wszystkie 'paintings' sie wiesza. Pamietam jak Rothko zyczyl sobie, zeby jego dziela byly oparte o sciane i lezaly na podlodze, a ktos je powiesil.
terri, Cal_40 serdeczne dzięki
A jak powiedzieć prosto i grzecznie, że zapraszamy kogoś (np grupę zwiedzających która właśnie pojawiła się w muzeum) do zwiedzenia wystawy.

You are welcome to visit/see the Picasso exhibition.
Czy może inaczej?

Nie chcę zakladać drugiego tematu
Czy moglibyście to sprawdzić i poprawić (oczywiście wersję ang.).

Z góry dziękuję za pomoc

Godziny otwarcia, bilety
Admission and opening times

Historic buildings are open to the public from 9.00 to 16.00

Please note: Last admission 15.30 / Last admission 30 minutes before closing /

Admission until 30 minutes before closing.


To są nagłówki tabeli

bilet normalny
Adults / Normal (entry) tickets:

bilet ulgowy
Children and Students / Concessions / Concessionary tickets:

wstęp wolny
Admission free



Thursday, Friday, Saturday


Czynny w sezonie letnim: Maj - Wrzesień
BUILDING NAME - open in the summer season (May – September)

Prace konserwatorskie:- nieczynna do odwołania
BUILDING NAME - restoration works - closed until further notice

godziny otwarcia mogą ulec zmianie, szczegółowe informacje przy opisie wystaw
The opening hours are subject to change, please confirm the opening hours on the website for each exhibition.
The Museum is / (Historic buildings are) closed on:

1 January, Easter Sunday, 1, 3 May, Corpus Christi, 15 August, 1, 11 November, 25 December

The Museum is / (Historic buildings are) open on:

Easter Monday, 26 December
Przynajmniej sprawdźcie articles

1. Corpus Christi - tak może zostać czy trzeba coś dodać

2. Czy godziny lepiej zapisać w systemie 24h czy może from 9:00 a.m. to 4 p.m.

3. czym sie różni opening times od opening hours?

Please note: Last admission 15.30 / Last admission 30 minutes before
closing OK
Admission 'until' (zle pojecie - tutaj mowisz, ze ostatnie jest przed-before) 30 minutes before closing.
BUILDING NAME - open 'in the' DURING summer season (May - September)
The Museum is....closed on XXX (l. poj -museum-is)
Historic buildings are closed onxxxx (l. mn-buildings-are)
1. Corpus Christi - trzeba aktualnie napisac kiedy to jest, bo jak wiemy, nawet demonstracja w Warszawie nie przypomniala niektorym kiedy to jest...
2. Czy godziny lepiej zapisać w systemie 24h czy może from 9:00 a.m.
to 4 p.m. (mozna i tak i tak - dla UK lepiej 9a.m. 4p.m.
3. czym sie różni opening times od opening hours? (museum opening hours (godziny otwarcia) opening times - wiecej ktore dni, miesiace itp -np. opening times April-May)
Dzieki Terri
>1. Corpus Christi - trzeba aktualnie napisac kiedy to jest, bo jak wiemy, nawet demonstracja w Warszawie nie przypomniala niektorym kiedy to jest...

To jest święto ruchome. W sumie moze racja bo obcokrajowiec i tak nie będzie wiedział o co chodzi.

>open in the summer season
zatem napiszę open during the summer season

>The Museum is closed / Historic buildings are closed -> Tak właśnie napisałem

A czy Normal tickets to odpowiednie słówko dla biletów normalnych
Czy poprawnie bedzie jak dam np
Normal tickets 10$
Concessions 5$ czy może wówczas lepiej Concessionary tickets
czy tak można być?
Please note: Our telephone numbers have changed (Uwaga: Zmianie uległy numery telefonów)
i podać zmienione numery?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1-30 z 35
poprzednia |


Studia za granicą


Pomoc językowa