Czy to jest OK

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I created more advanced multi platform Book Store project in PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, HTML technology with admin module, and client module. That was only my work.
For this project I wrote in approximate :thirty-four classes, twelve db tables, several tens source files.
My other project was client server application for managing privileges for tree directories in the clients computers. I created this project with C++ language and I used WxWidgets multi platform GUI library. For this program I wrote several tens source files and a dozen or so classes. That was only my work to.

Moglibyście zobaczyć czy nie ma tu błędów ?

My other next program I wrote in Java technology, that was application which drew functions proceeding with GUI interface. For this project I used Eclipse environment and Swing library. For this application I wrote a dozen or so classes and source files.

Other my application was connect with many HTTP servers and downloaded data with this, next transformed and compared this data.

I created few other projects while I was study, and on my practice…

Dzięki :)
Proszę zobaczcie tylko czy w powyższym tekście nie ma jakichś błędów
brakuje przedimkow, glownie 'a', ale to nie wplywa na zrozumienie
That was all my own work (too).


next other - wystarczy next

my other
other my
pisz: another of my projects/applications, another proj/appl of mine

was connect with many HTTP servers and downloaded
>data with this,

byla zwiazana (connected) z wieloma serwerami http i scigala dane z CZYM? 'this' to ta aplikacja? Ona jest juz podmiotem!

during my internship - na praktykach
I wrote my next program in Java technology. This was an application
which drew functions proceeding with GUI interface. For this project I
used THE Eclipse environment and THE Swing library. 'For this application' (niepotrz bo wiemy o czym mowa jest). I wrote a 'dozen or so' (top znaczy ile lepiej many dozen) classes and source files.
(My other - teraz tutaj jest niewyraznie - czy dalej mowisz o tym, czy juz o innym programie?) THIS application was connectED with many HTTP servers and downloaded
data 'with this' (niepotrz) WITH transforMATION AND COMPARISON OF GIVEN DATA.

I created 'few other' (lepiej many other) projects while I was studyING, and 'on' DURING my practice..(internships)


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