
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.

Read the text and look carefully at each line. Some lines are correct and some have a word which sould not be there. If a line is correct put a tick If a line has a word that should not be there write the word

0)............ My favourite form of transport is the train and I used have many happy
1) .........Memories of long train journeys from that when I was a small child. I
2) .......... Remember when we took the train to go for fishing with granddad.My
3) .......... Brother and I we would get up early get dressed and go to the kitchen
4) ...........Grandma would give us a picnic lunch to take it. Then we went to the
5) ..........station and waited on the platform for the train. We saw the steam long
6) .........before we saw the train was coming. We'd climb into the carriage, sit
7) the window and watch until we saw the blue line of sea from on
8) .........the horizon. Then we would be run out of the station down to the
9) .........waterR
edge where we would wait for granddad before we started
10) We took the train back home but we never had any fish with us

w zerowym będzie po have used

w pierwszym zdaniu nie będzie "that"

w drugim nie będzie "for"

w trzecim nie będzie "we"

W czwartym dobrze

piąte jest ok

szóśte - before the train was coming (bez "we saw")

w 7 nie jestem tylko pewien ostatniego wyrazu - "on", wg mnie nie powinno go być ale na 100% nie jestem pewien

ok w ósmym nie będzie "be"

9 będzie ok

10-te nie będzie drugiego "we", tego przed had

w szóstym nie będzie "we saw"
>5) ok
>6) ok
>9) ok
>10) ok

pamietaj - masz wyrzucac slowa, ktore sa i zbedne i niepoprawne zarazem!


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie