Proszę o sprawdzenie.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Trochę nie łapie o co w tym wszystkim chodzie te wishe and so on ;) także byłabym wdzięczna jakby ktoś mi sprawdził tych kilka zdań :)

1. We’d rather you took out (take out) separate holiday insurance.
2. I hate it when you speak to me as if I was (be) a child.
3. She’d rather didn’t show (not show ) him her passport.
4. It’s high time he faced (face) up to his responsibilities.
5. If only I hadn’t left (not/ leave) the window open.
6. If they had gone (go) out less , they’d have more money.
7. Chris prefers working ( work) morning rather than evenings.
8. Suppose Helen invited (invite) your ex-boyfriend, would you still go to the party.
9. I’d rather Sam didn’t play (play) his music so loud.
10. Sylvia wishes she had (have) long hair.
11. She had only lived there three months but she spoke the langue as if she lived (live) there longer.
12. Tom’s mother made him go to school although he would rather has stayed (stay) at home.
13. I feel a bit sick now. I wish I hadn’t eaten (eat) so much.
>1. We'd rather you took out (take out) separate holiday insurance. OK
>2. I hate it when you speak to me as if I was (be) a child. 'were' tez mogloby byc
>3. She'd rather didn't show (not show ) him her passport. zle
She'd rather not show him her passport.
>4. It's high time he faced (face) up to his responsibilities. OK
>5. If only I hadn't left (not/ leave) the window open. OK
>6. If they had gone (go) out less , they'd have more money. OK
>7. Chris prefers working ( work) morningS rather than evenings. ? troche dziwne
Chris prefers to work mornings rather than evenings. chyba bedzie lepsze
>8. Suppose Helen invited (invite) your ex-boyfriend, would you still
>go to the party? OK
>9. I'd rather Sam didn't play (play) his music so loud. OK
>10. Sylvia wishes she had (have) long hair. OK
>11. She had only lived there three months but she spoke the languAGe as
>if she lived (live) there longer. zle
She had only lived there three months but she spoke the languagee as if she had lived there longer.
>12. Tom's mother made him go to school although he would rather has
>stayed (stay) at home. zle
Tom's mother made him go to school although he would rather had stayed at home.
>13. I feel a bit sick now. I wish I hadn't eaten (eat) so much. OK
dziękuje za pomoc :) mam nadzieje że jeszcze kilka takich ćwiczeń i będzie już bez błędnie :)
I thank for your letter. I have mały time, so I am able, to to copy you. I want to say you about my ostatnim NewYear's Eve.
I spend at friend my NewYear's Eve. This was fantastic! Zimno was weather. I stayed with my friends in house.
We laughed sie still, we looked at adventure films as well as prowadzilismy long conversations.
When sie brought nearer hour 24,00 prepared me champagne and we deducted to midnight.
when she knocked out we folded this hour to me wish and we celebrated until till hour 4,00
when we were juz sleepy we went to sleep
it was fantastically
I can not already wait for next NewYear's Eve :)


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie