Jak powiedzieć: z zawodu jest nauczycielką ?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Jak powiedzieć:

jej zawód to nauczyciel / jest z zawodu nauczycielem

Czy tak jest dobrze:
Her profession is teacher.

Czy może Her profession is teaching

a moze
She is a teacher by profession
Her job/profession is to teach/is teaching.
She's a teacher by profession.
albo by trade.
'by trade' jest raczej zarezerwowane dla zawodow rzemieslniczych anizeli umyslowych

pisane rowniez przez nativow np. http://www.city-data.com/forum/seattle/170115-moving-seattle.html
pakk - juz niejednokrotnie o tym sie tu pisalo - czasami nie warto powolywac sie na wyszukiwarke, i na nativow - w wielu przypadkach oni rowniez sie myla!

I would like to know what the meaning of by trade or by profession means, as

He is a by trade...

Is there any other versions, like by nature, or something? I would like to
know most of it.
When you say that someone does something "by trade" or "by profession,"
you are confirming that he does that thinig in order to earn a living.

1. He is a plumber by trade.
2. He is a computer programmer by profession.

The word "trade" is used for activities involving physical or hands-on
work -- i.e., "blue collar" work.

The word "profession" is used for activites requiring considerable
knowledge or mental effort -- i.e., "white collar" work.

It is possible to say things like

3. He is excitable by nature.

However, here the phrase "by nature" refers to certain psychological or
personal qualities. It would be unusual to use that phrase to describe a
person's occupation:

?4. He is a plumber by nature.

Bill Kelly
Connecticut USA
tutaj z kolei ktos pokazal jaka jest roznica w pojeciu 'trade' a 'profesion':

...and Burton, who is a mechanic by trade, and by profession an attorney at law...
Ja tylko pokazalem, ze w google calkiem sporo wynikow -> dosyc czesto uzywany zwrot (tylko 3x wiecej to samo z 'by profession').

I kim jest ten Bill Kelly?
>I kim jest ten Bill Kelly?

Certainly a person thinking the same about the subject as I do ;)
A language purist? ;-)
>A language purist?

Surely he seems to be one.

Digressing a bit - I like potatoe puree, so I think I could call myself 'purist' as well. ;)
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