Tekst raczej nie ma błędów, chodzi mi tylko aby ktoś mi napisał fonetycznie jak sie czyta niektóre wyrazy :) z góry dzięki
these - teza
tend – mieć skłonność/tendencje
remarriage – ponowne małżeństwo
divorce - rozwód
rather – raczej
bereavement – osierocenie
although – chodziarz
particular – szczegół
decline – spadek/pogorszenie
split up – rozwodzić się/zrywać
guilty – winny
play truant – iść na wagary
truancy - wagarować
tensions – napięcie
siblings – rodzeństwo
resentment – oburzenie
subconsciously - podświadomość
treat - przyjemność
lenient - pobłażliwy
jealous – zazdrość
I would bring up a subjects families problems.
There have always been families with step-parents but In the past these tender to be because of remarriage after the death of either the mother or father. However, more recently, remarriage have been between people whose first marriage ended in divorce rather than bereavement. So, although step-families have always been here, the way in which they are formed has changed and this can cause particular problems for the children in the family.
The children will probably have seen the decline of their parents relationship and their unhappiness. Very often children believe wrongly – that they are responsible for their parents splitting up so they feel guilty and they may develop behavioural problems such as drugs or truancy.
When a new families is established there will usually b tensions as everyone gets used to each other. There are enough problems between siblings in any family but in step-families the resentment and rivalry between the stepbrothers and stepsisters can make life difficult for everyone. Further, the parents may subconsciously treat their natural children and stepchildren differently . For example, they may be more lenient to one group or even be jealous of their new partner’s children.