summary/abstract ????

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Pisze angielskie streszczenie do mojej pracy mgr. Zatytulowalam je jako abstract, moj promotor optuje jednak za summary. Jaka jest poprawna lub tez bardziej adekwatna forma?? Z gory dziekuje za odpowiedz!
napisz tutaj - nie mozemy zgadywac ktora wersja jest lepsza.
abstract - kojarzy mi się z brykami (streszczeniami książek)
summary - (of plot) streszczenie; (of main points) podsumowanie; news summary skrót wiadomości
abstract=short summary ale ktore tu slowo pasuje to nie wiem
abstract do streszczenie artykułu naukowego, sprawozdania z badan.
Praca magisterska to inny rodzaj tekstu. Dalbym summary
Ten jeden paragraf na samym poczatku pracy streszczajacy (w wielkim skrocie) o czym praca jest? To sie nazywa "abstract".
A traditional summary (not executive summary) covers what you have written in your thesis. It should comprehend the heads and the subdivisions of your work. If put together smartly, it should be an easy-to-read rendition of your table of contents. You should be able to back-engineer your table of contents from your summary.

An abstract is intended to ease the reader into reading your stuff. It is a comprehensive restatement of the substantive points of your work.
It should
-say why you did what you did
-include the essential details
-describe results and draw conclusions
-list recommendations, if applicable, to further work in this subject.

An abstract is no place for background information, comparisons with other works, opinions, illustrative examples, etc.
To see a typical abstract, read any patent or any patent disclosure; they always start with an abstract, never with a summary.

Name your piece accordingly.
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