na przestrzeni działalności firmy

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Jak to powiedzieć po angielsku? zastanawiam się czy w ogóle po polsku te zdanie jest poprawnie zbudowane :). Co myślicie?

może : within the space of the company's business activity (chyba nie:P)
Jakie zdanie, Bednar? Nie podałeś na razie żadnego zdania.
na przestrzeni działalności firmy :) zdanie tytułowe.

Piszę raport taki poważniejszy na zaliczenie business English i na razie spłodziłem kilka zdań wstępu.

The purpose of this report is to provide insight into Nike’s offshoring and outsourcing operations within the space of the company’s business activity. The report also shows positive and negative correlations between such operations and economic matters such as unemployment and
The purpose of this report is to provide insight into Nike's
>offshoring and outsourcing operations within the space of the
>company's business activity.

Nie bardzo rozumiem, co ta końcówka ma wnosić do tekstu. Czy oni zajmują się offshoring and outsourcing w jeszcze jakiejś innej przestrzeni?
być może nie jest to zbyt dobrze ujete. Zmieniłem:

The purpose of this report is to provide insight into Nike’s offshoring and outsourcing operations during the past 40 years.
...The purpose of this report is to provide insight into Nike's
'offshoring' (nie jestem pewna czy to slowo istneje w ang. -jest offshore) and outsourcing operations within the 'space' (moze scope?) of the company's business activity. The report also 'shows' (moze illustrates) THE positive and
negative correlations between such operations and economic matters such as unemployment
Napisz po polsku co chcesz powiedzieć.

Specjalizuję się w pisaniu streszceń róznych publkacji więc może coś mogłbym pomoc.
dalsza część pracy. o tym nike to zmyślone, więc co jest faktem a co nie mnie nie pytajcie.

The whole idea of substituting domestic for foreign labor in order to cut down costs stemmed from a trend that started in 1970. A lot of companies started relocating their resources to developing countries, and so did Nike. Nike realized that labor force in developing countries was much cheaper than in the United States. This soon resulted in an emergence of a multitude of factories, most of which were in China. This allowed Nike to increase their profits substantially, and not only that. A big part of Nike’s consumers were in China, so they killed two birds with one stone. However, there was lots of drawbacks, too. Moving factories to China resulted in an occurrence of externalities such as a rise in unemployment in the U.S . ; the quality of Nike’s product also suffered, because the workers were not trained and the job didn’t require pushing buttons only. The advantages, however, outweighed the disadvantages and today Nike still has factories in China and other developing countries.
>within the space of the company's business activity.
That's an abomination..

>such operations and economic matters such as
Same here.

The purpose of this report is to provide insight into off-shoring and outsourcing by the Nike corporation and to demonstrate how off-shoring and outsourcing correlate with...
The purpose of this report is to provide AN insight into THE off-shoring and
outsourcing (tutaj trzeba 'activities') by the Nike corporation and to demonstrate how off-shoring and outsourcing correlate with...
>The purpose of this report is to provide AN insight into THE
>off-shoring and
>outsourcing (tutaj trzeba 'activities') by the Nike corporation and to
>demonstrate how off-shoring and outsourcing correlate with...

Insight means understanding.
An insight is a humble man's insight.
Outsourcing and off-shoring are activities.

You are shooting blanks.
Well, gee thanks so much for putting me in my place.
...>You are shooting blanks - (something which I simply cannot do - what with me being a woman)
Shooting blanks doesn't mean just that. Would dropping duds be more agreeable?
Either way, no offence intended and hope none taken.

With utmost respect,
>The whole idea of substituting domestic for foreign labor

A nie odwrotnie??
The whole idea of substituting domestic for foreign labor in order to
>cut down costs stemmed from a trend that started in 1970. A lot of
>companies started relocating their resources to developing countries,
>and so did Nike. They realized that labor force in developing
>countries was much cheaper than in the United States. This soon
>resulted in an emergence of a multitude of factories, most of which
>were located in China. This allowed Nike to increase their profits
>substantially, and not only that. A big part of Nike's consumers
>were in China as well, so they killed two birds with one stone. However,
>there was lots of drawbacks, too. Moving factories to China resulted
>in an occurrence of externalities such as a rise in unemployment in
>the U.S.; the quality of Nike's product also suffered, because the
>workers were not trained and the job didn't require pushing buttons
>only. The advantages; however, outweighed the disadvantages and today
>Nike still has factories in China and other developing countries.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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