I think it is not - 363,000
I don't think it's - 1,190,000
Stosunek: 1:3
I think it is not - 990,000
I don't think it's - 21,600,000
Stosunek: 1:21
Sprawdź na google np.pisownię:
wogóle - 4,860,000
w ogóle - 8,000,000
Proponuję więc zmienić zasady ortografii polskiej :)
...a ilu Polaków pisze 'żadko'? (bez urazy ;) ) - 391,000 i to też nie jest mało...
I DON'T SUPPOSE google is a reliable source of grammatical reference...
Look up, for example,
M.Swan 'Practical English Usage' (359.1) if you've got it close at hand, of course.