9 wątpliwości

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Hi. I found the following, marked phrases very problematic. I would be very grateful if you could give me some hints. Thank you in advance!

1. support the regional development [by the means] of promoting modern technologies - does the arked expression fit into that sentence?

2. [Improved] development areas - I wanted to say that the area has some essential infrastructure facilities, lets say - sewage system, water supplies, electricity, the availability of the net connection, etc.

3. Can we say: 'To [implement] a developmental project' , and is it correct to say: 'To execute an investment plan' ??

4. [Stat - up] firms - can I use that expression for companies that have been established recently?

5. When I want to say that a financial plan in aimed mainly at academic activities, can I say: 'heavy pressure will be laid upon academic entrepreneurship'?

6. Is it correct ot say 'to [activate] the cooperation '???

7. Is it correct to say: 'to [acquaint] somebody with functioning of the firm' ?

8. Is it correct to say 'cooperation among ...' when it refers to more than two entities? (or should I still use 'between')

9. Can I 'invite somebody to partnership'?
Oj Wyclef, coś mi sie wydaje że sam to potrafisz sprawdzić/wyguglać ;-)
W punkcie drugim, czy chodzi o serviced lot? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=2[tel]AAeoU46


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