rozprawke sprawdzic

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
First I must define what is crime. Generally speaking, it is a violation of law so as to gain personal benefit without taking into consideration other people, which nearly always means hurting them. Nevertheless, we can say that crime is a transgression against rules as well. And that is not necessarily a bad thing – if it had not been for it we would still be living in the dark and narrow-minded gloom of medieval ages.
I will try (przyblizyc)bring closer my opinion several argument. Maybe I begin from arguments which saying against about the topic.
First argument against to more severe punishment is that to longer prison sentence i that the prisons are already full.
The second argument is that the Persons who are wrongfully punish must spend a long time in prison for not their blames

As regards the arguments for more severe punishment, the first one could be that some people think that one of the benefits of harder sentences would be to keep more dangerous criminals off the street and this advantage would be to give people a greater feeling of personal security.
Next argument is that delinquent are too ssurance yourselves and they displace Fear police and punishments because they know that will not be rigorous or never catch their other that if they introduce capital punishment
First I must define 'what is crime' WHAT A CRIME IS.

No to ladnie, tu pare zdan, ktore nie sa za bardzo po ang - a pare ktore sa pisane przez nativa. Poznam od razu. in the dark and narrow-minded gloom of THE medieval ages.
I will try TO bring closer 'my opinion several argument' (nie rozumiem tego.)
Maybe I WILL begin 'from' WITH arguments which 'saying' (nie- popraw- uzyj inne slowo) against 'about' (po co to 'about'?) the topic.
First argument against 'to more severe punishment' (nie rozumiem tego) is that 'to' (niepotr) longer prison sentenceS 'i' (zawsze duza litera, sorry to napisalas po polsku?) that the prisons are already full. (w tym zdaniu duzo brakuje)
The second argument is that the Persons who are wrongfully punishED (czas przeszly) must spend a long time in prison 'for not their blames' (nie tak - popraw)
As regards the arguments.... - przeciez to zdanie jest pisane przez nativa - bo widze, ze ty nie znasz jeszcze dobrej konstrukcji.

Next argument is that delinquent are too ssurance yourselves and they
displace Fear police and punishments because they know that will not
be rigorous or never catch their other that if they introduce capital punishment.... - Popracuj nad tym zdaniem - nie ma za duzo sensu.