POMOCY once again-juz niedlugo przestane meczyc;)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Jeszcze tylko 10 dni wiec obiecuje ze nidlugo przestane meczyc moimi testami z anglika. A poki co to pare pytan:
1. You won\'t find a better University than this one.
2. We haven\'t watched a horror film for a long time.
It\'s ............
3. The police caught him.....while he was breaking into a house (red-handed/in the red/black and blue)
4. Pole golfowe: golf....(field/course/court)
5. This text is too dificult for me.
As far as .......................
6. As it was raining, we stayed at home.
All we..........................
1. Nowhere will you find...
2. It\'s been a long time since we (lasted) watched...
3. red-handed
4. course
5. As far as I am concerned, this text is too difficult (chociaz nie jestem pewien)
6. dziwne...
>2. It\'s been a long time since we (lasted) watched...
brrr. LAST a nie lasted
ewentualnie w 1. Nowhere else
Dzieki za pomoc Pączku;))
To ostatnie to tez wlasnie nie mam pojecia co tam wpisac. Moze ktos ma jakies pomysl jeszcze?
A jesli chodzi o \"red-handed\" to tez tak myslalam, ale dawalam te testy do sprawdzenia nauczycielce i ona mi poprawila na \"in the red\" - no i tak jakos zwatpilam. Ha i sie okazuje ze jednak mialam racje:)
6. As it was raining, we stayed at home.
All we did (could do) was staying at home as it was raining(?)
nie moze byc formy ciaglej po \"did was\"
All we could do it was staying at home as it was raining?
Staying at home is all we did as it was raining?
All we could do was stay...
OK, now i know
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


FCE - sesja letnia 2004


FCE - sesja letnia 2004