Opis osoby- proszę o sprawdzenie.

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Jako zadanie miałam dokonać opisu osoby, którą podziwiam. Z góry dziękuję za pomoc.

I would like to describe a person which I have known for fifteen years old. She's my sister. Her name is Karolina.

She's 15 years old. Karolina is a brunette with an oval face, short and snub nose. She has got big round brown eyes. Karolina has dark shoulder- lenght hair. Usually she has a ponytail. My sister is tall and very muscular. She prefer to wear sports clothes like baggy trousers.

Karolina is an ambitious and hard- working person. She's a sportswoman. Since 2005 she's training a long jump and footrace, because ..... relay race (chciałam napisać że uczestniczy w biegu sztafetowym). I admire her cause Karolina must be very vell- organized person- every day she's got training sometimes twice times and she has got a lot of study to school. Karolina is very punctual- I would like to be always on time. She has got one negative- she is a little nervous. (Chciałam tu umieścic zdanie, ze szybko sie denerwuje gdy coś jej nie wychodzi- ale mam problem z jego konstrukcją, proszę o pomoc).

I wish I were (czy will) so strong and hard-working. I admire Karolina for her determination and optimistic. She is a very special person and I believe that she will achive everythinh what she wants.

Bardzo dziękuję za chęć pomocy.
I would like to describe a person which I have known for fifteen years old.
(wg mnie bez old na koncu)

she's got training sometimes twice (moze twice a day) (Chciałam tu umieścic zdanie, ze szybko sie denerwuje gdy coś jej nie wychodzi- ale mam problem z jego konstrukcją, proszę o pomoc). She quickly gets nervous when she cant do what she wants (?))

I wish I were (czy will) so strong and hard-working. (moze i would like to be..)
I would like to describe a person 'which' (jak mowimy o ludziach to WHO albo WHOM, NIGDY WHICH) WHOM I have known for fifteen years. 'old' (niepotr).
Karolina has dark shoulder-'lenght' LENGTH hair.
My sister is tall and 'very muscular' (chociaz to muscular nie za bardzo mi sie podoba, mam image Mariana tutaj)
She 'prefer' (ale 'she' to jest 3os.l.poj - a wtedy do czasownikow reg. dodajemy -s) to wear sports clothes like baggy trousers.
Since 2005 she's BEEN training 'a' THE long jump and 'footrace'?, because ..... SHE TAKES PART IN A relay race.
I admire her 'cause' (PROSZE nie uzywac tego slowa, napisales to blednie - prosze popraw) Karolina must be very 'vell' WELL-organized person. Every day she's got training, sometimes twice 'times' (nie, albo twice a week albo two times a week) and she has got a lot of studyING 'to' IN school. Karolina is very punctual- I TOO would like to be always on time. She has got one negative (negative co?)- she is a little nervous.
(She gets nervous very quickly, when something does not turn out the way she wants.)
I wish I were so strong and hard-working. I admire Karolina for her determination and 'optimistic' (tutaj potrzebny rzeczownik, a 'optimistic' nim nie jest). She is a very special person and I believe that she will 'achive' ACHIEVE 'everythinh' EVERYTHING 'what' (nie, to kalka z polskiego...tutaj THAT) she wants.
Kurcze ale z tym "whom" to tak dość dziwnie brzmi :)

A "muscular" i "shoulder- lenght" dostalam jako wyrazy gotowe do użycia.

Dziękuje Wam slicznie za pomoc.
Kurcze ale z tym "whom" to tak dość dziwnie brzmi:
tak, ale mysle, ze poprawnie...
A "muscular" i "shoulder-'lenght' (nie moglas dostac bo to jest LENGTH"
ale tutaj chodzi o to, że ona ma włosy do ramion, a wyrażenie "shoulder- lenght" to własnie oznacza :)
wiem, co shoulder-length oznacza, ale ty piszesz wyraz 'length' blednie.
a faktycznie, masz rację.

Zwracam honory w takim razie i jescze raz dziekuje .
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia


Business English