pilne tlumaczenie maila

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo prosze o przertlumaczenie bo chyba mam do czynienia z oszustem.

Sure your money will come to you.because i have make the payment to you but is only if the bank could get your shippment receipt document,so that they will verify if you really send any item to the address giving to you.

just like i told you before as soon as they verify trust in you they will credit your account immediately and you will get your money.

without the bank gotten your shippment receipt document it,s can,t work because your shippment receipt document will stand as an evidence to proof that you really send a parcel with that also we can track your item online .
I want you to know that you have to send the package today so that bank can update and credit your account before they close for the weekend and as soon as you send the package make sure you scan the shipping receipt document to them so that they can varify if you truely send the package to the address i gave you.
So go and send the package today.

item should be send with (EMS POCZTEX)
Bardzo prosze o przertlumaczenie bo chyba mam do czynienia z

z Nigerii?
OSZUST pierwszej klasy.
wyrzuc to swinstwo do koszta - i nigdy a nigdy nawet nie trac jednej sekundy czytac takie glupstwo. To jest od naszych ulubionych i kochanych kolegow z Nigerii.
Ostatnio dostalam list z Hiszpanii, ze niby wygralam na loterii. Na forum nie moge uzyc takich pieknych slow ktore odpisalam im na emailu.
tu akuurat chodzilo o aukcje, chciala nibykupic komputer, ok, ale no nie wysle komus kompa bez wpplaty kasy. od poczatku przeczuwalam ze cos jest nie halo.
dzieki za potwfierdzenie;)
Mam kolejny klopot, tym razem straszt mnie fbi;/

Od: "Fbi Online Investigation" [email]

Do: ................
Temat: *****NOTICE FROM FBI*****
Data: 9 sierpnia 2008 10:18

[do książki]
[pokaż/schowaj nagłówki]

Secretary Ridge's Statement

This is to inform you [...............], that we have receive a complaint in conjuction with ( Bank Of Essex) of European payment about of (860 EUROS) made by The Mrs Alicia Thomasson, for an item #(Toshiba A200-1FJ (używana, stan BDB) (numer: 41[tel])92)) bought from you recently for an Allegro Item.We received a complaint that the payment as since been approved and that you haven't taken the neccessary step which you are suppose to take in other for the payment to be transferred to you bank account.

We are informed that you are suppose to make the shipment of the item to the buyer and send the tracking number to the payment company ( Bank Of Essex) for shipment verification which is to secure the interest of both seller and buyer from been scammed.......

All your bank information has been forwarded to us and we have already contacted the nearet FBI office nearer to your address about your case and they will immediately start the investigation.They may trace your bank details to your home for more information about what happened and they may also required you to follow them to the station for more query.We have also forwarded your full bank information

Beneficiary: [...........]
A/C Holder: [...........]
Account Number: [...........]
Bank Name:
Address: [...........]
State: [...........]
Zip Code:[...........]
Country: [...........]

to the buyer for the payment to Internet Fraud Complaint Center(IFCC) about this case.

According to (Section 1001, Title 18, U.S. Code) of the criminal law quote,which says that,and i quote "Unshipped paid merchandise seller must be sent to a Ten month Imprisonment".

So we implore you to go and make the shipment immediately and send the tracking number to the payment company( Bank Of Essex) which is safe and secure for making and receiving payment worldwide.We are assuring you that you are 100% safe with the payment and we will want you to go and make the shipment.Make sure you send the copy of the tracking number to us immediately the shipment is made in other for us to cancel the complaint leveled on you.

NOTE:If the shipment is not made in the next 48hrs of this message to you,we will immediately order your case permanent for proper investigation and immediatelty forward your full contact address to the press for publish.You are already among the FBI most wanted Fugitives of this week for quick investigation and execution.But the only solution to removed you from the 10 most wanted fugitives is to follow the steps given to you and we assure you that you wont have any regret in making the shipment.

We hope to hear from you immediately you saw this message for quick processing of your case or you will be immediately be prosecuted.We thank you for your cooperation


The FBI can be contacted twenty-four hours a day, every day. Hereâs how:
FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C.
Federal Bureau of Investigation
J. Edgar Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 2[tel]


The FBI motto is Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity."

to tez niby zart?
edytowany przez moderatora: 22 mar 2011
poczytaj sobie to:
po pierwsze, jezeli mam byc z toba szczery - ten mail zawiera tyle bledow, ze gdyby to mialo byc prawdziwe FBI to juz ich imie byloby nadszarpniete :/
po drugie - nie ma czegos takiego, jak 'dostaniesz kase na konto po tym jak przeslesz nam towar' - na calej ziemi jest na odwrot - placisz, kasa na koncie sie zgadza, wysylam towar
a to, ze maja twoje dane bankowe - no coz widocznie je im udostepnilas na stronie, na ktorej sprzedajesz towar :/
No, no, no - FBI wysyla listy/emaile do ludzi. Widac, ze terazniejszy
Prezydent uznal, ze nie powinni NIC innego robic jak tylko ludzi emailowac.

Moi kochani koledzy z Nigerii strasza Ciebie.
Ale zeby z tym zakonczyc, to wez ten email i wszystkie inne emaile i dokumenty i pojdz z tym do American Embassy i zapytaj sie czy wlasciwie FBI ma prawo Ciebie (jako Polke) straszyc.
Napewno dobrze Ci doradza.
>Moi kochani koledzy z Nigerii strasza Ciebie.

fajnych masz kolegow, terri :/
>>>fajnych masz kolegow, terri
Chyba rozumiesz moja ironie w tym.
(przyslowie: keep your friends close, but your enemies closer still).
Czekam cierpliwie co nowego wymysla.
A wizyta w Am. Embassy nic nie kosztuje. Dobrze, ze mnie tam niema, bo o 'strachu' od FBI wiedzialyby wszystkie gazety.
Moze to by pomoglo tych naszych kolegow wyeliminowac.
no wlasnie dlatego ze mi dala takie warunki to zablokowalam tego maila. Potem przyszedl ten z FBI, tez niebardzo uwierzylam bo jaka policja naklania do wysylania towaru predzej niz sie dostanie kase...
Dzieki wam w kazdym razie z a pomoc.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.