pomóżcie przetłumaczć szbko!! cebulka jesteś???

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Jeżeli mozna to proponujemy konstrukcje klejoną a nie formowana występuje w tym projekcie głębokie tłoczenie przy ostrej krawedzi
grafika czoło i bok -folia winylowa drukowana na maszynie Vutek

czoło i tył plexi biały 3mm
Bok plex biała 2mm

oferta nieobejmuje transportu i pakowania
prosze was pomóżcie mi to przetłumaczyć
Oj, dzis nie moge...musze cala nocke siedziec pisac \"workbook\" z fotografii...buuuuu

na predce...
\"the offer does not include packaging and transport\"?

czolo itd - \"front and back - white Plexiglas 3mm (co - szeroki=wide, dlugi=long, grubosc=thickness)???
\"side - white Plexiglas 2mm

musze leciec zaparzyc wiadro kawy

\"we suggest a glued structure, not formed on a mould\"???...hmmm...
\"this project includes deep pressing near sharp edges\"
\"graphic sign??? - front and back - vinyl film, printed on Vutek printer\"

no juz na prawde lece do czjanika

Ta leniwa i nielogowana calkiem poprawnie to przetlumaczyla. Dodam tylko ze w anglojezycznych krajach obowiazuje inch a nie cm i odpowiadjace im mniejsz jednostki. No ale jak wiadomo, wszesytko zalezy do czego ci jest to potrzebne.
Hej RitazKita!
Co do jednostek, to rzeczywiscie... u mnie w pracy, ktos z restauracji zamowil podswitlana gablote (zeby pewnie menu wyswietlac na zewnatrz budynku). No i pewnie podali wymiary w centymetrach a wykonawca zamowienia myslal, ze to w inch-ach...no i stoi teraz w hallu zawadzjac droge bo nikt nie chce sie do tego przyznac....
Is this what your company does, Cebulka?
AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! a to ci dobre!
No, :o) The company is called Blackburne House, they ARE all sorts: college for women, conference centre, cafe (they ordered this infamous light box), nursery and a small leisure centre (also for women only).
How was the pig? Did you share it with other people? ;o)
I like mine carved, on a soft bun, with some apple sauce and sage&onion stuffing....mmmmmm..... still warm...just melting.... and those pork scratchings....oaghhhhaaahh...
Cebulka, can you give me their website?I\'d like to have a look at it.
The \"porker\" was delicious and sa was the beer. Not much left of the pig...never head a whole pih on a spit before and that was a real treat! Barbeque sauce is what I like the most or HP sauce.
Sure, send us a web site of your comapny! Did you say you work in Manchester or Liverpool? That would be great! Is England in a metric system or are you going the old fashioned way?
I used to work in Manchester (Bredbury near Stockport to be exact). For the past two yeras (how time flies!) I have been working for Blackburne House (BH) in Liverpool. To find them on the net just type www.blackburnehouse.co.uk Their website is not very impressive, it\'s not geared up for students at all, but maybe it\'s because it tries to be too many things at the same time... and nobody is maintaining it properly, but at least we are present on the WWW ;o)

The battle metric v. imperial is still going on. There was lots of \"uffing and puffing\" at the start, just after they went metric. Mind you, they weren\'t happy when they went decimal with money, neither.
They found a way round it (metric/imperial). Some milk, for example, is sold by \"litres\". However, the bottle holds let\'s say 0.75 litre (this is just an example as I have no clue how many pints goes into a litre), which \"coincidentally\" is equal to a pint. So they quote metric but in many cases the volume, length or weight are exact: pints, yards and pounds ;)
Everybody is kept happy.
that\'s exactly the same way it\'s here...however, when it comes to milk they will use both: it\'s either a gallon (a Canadian gallon to be precise and that\'s just to make poor Canadians even more confused...a Canadian gallon is just a tad smaller than the American one) or a liter. Slowly but steady we are getting out of the old system and into the metric one but certain companies (like cabinet making ones) are still using feet and inches. It\'s a mess the way I look at it. Gas stations in US are still in gallons and I think it\'s gallons everywhere else ...you go figure. The Americans are altogether backwards on that.
there\'s only gallons here:))))
no a ja mam w ogole beke bo w NZ uzywaja i cm i tych koszmarnych inczy ;-) Nigdy nie wiesz w czym ci rzepna wymiary i sobie kombinuj jak chcesz ;-)
ktos tu jest z kraju fish and cheaps ( nz) lub byl?
milo byc oczywiscie chips, poor me
to be or not to be - yep, I am - poor me :-)
Nz cheap fish and chips :-) and many more cheap things ;-(((
ok odleniwilam sie i zalogowalam - tak wplywa powrot do pracy ;-((
been there for approx three weeks , awesome county, people , kiwis etc. liked bay of island the most , been there???
great bungee on Nevis, highly recommd. where about U from Kasialou?
your style of writing has changes dramatically!?.....
lucky you - only three weeks ;-) No wonder you loved this country... As beautiful as NZ is I am not too happy - could be better choice in the past - too late for that :-) Well I live in Auckland which is better than CHCH where I previously had bad luck to live ;-) Can\'t complain too much - only if kiwis weren\'t such assholes :-) (sometimes... OK most of the times). Maybe when I change my job I will stop complaining :-)
PS. What brought you here??????? (And I don\'t mean a plane :-) )
not happy living in Auckland???rather cosy place but borring, would prefer Queenstown if had any choice, Should say lucky U??have lived in Poshy Sydney for a while, spent best holiday all around south east asia and landed finally home which I regret. ;promised myself to bounce there again. Arrange me a sponsor so we could meet up :)tried to gain a skilled visa but stil lack of points. any hints??
Auckland boring?????? Try CHCH ha ha ha Yep would like to live in Sydney but as I said - bit late for that (or maybe?????????????) Don\'t know any sponsors sorry :-) Try to rise money on this forum :-) Immigration - right now i don\'t know anything about it \'cause when I applied (seems like ancient times ;-) ) it was totally different. I know that right now you need to meet their specified crieria and find employer in specified area (they have some funny survey that tells them where they need who). Bit harder :-). I read in a newspaper few days ago that majority of the immigrants is as follows: Britain, China, India - ha that explauins a lot, doesn\'t it? :-) I\'d rather place on the first place China but well... Whatever :-) You just need to make a little research in the immigration wonderful website...
PS. Maybe marry some Kiwi girl - right now they are looking for husbands with EU passports...
It\'s nothing special, but here it is:

And no, my picture is not published there, you won\'t be able to print it and use it for darts! ;)

marry them???walking whales???i dont think so:)
how long u been to NZ for so far?what d\'ya do
as for chinesee yes i admint they\'re everywhere bloody arogant asswholes::met ones in OZZ worked for them for short time and reckon they\'re weird. but how come they run business so easily - dont know. anyway gimme Your email if ya dont mind since prefer that way of communic
have fun on the weeknd.
sweet ass
OK that was a sick joke :-) (i don\'t know why but i am thinking right now about \"Whale Rider\" Movie :-) ) As for my stay here it\'s been 2 years and 4 months. Chinese - bloody arogant and \"brudasy\" - my neigbours opposite to my window are Chinese - brrrrrrrrr (thank gods they don\'t live next to my door)> They run business so easily because everyone knows they have lotsa money (anyway bastards here employ only their own kind though they shouldn\'t do it - but NZ gov. sits on its own ass and keep quiet - because kiwis don\'t want to offend chinese in case they could stop arriving here and bringing their suitcases with money... anyway problem is more complexed and i can seem veryyyyyyyyy racist (well i am - that\'s what i learned here :-) ) - whatever - don\'t care :-)
I am not gonna have good fun this weekend ;-( Time spend in shitty work grrrrrrr - one day i will just go to sleep and will wake up weeks later :-) Dreams can come true....
Ehm, i should stop complaining :-) It\'s just that last 2 days at work were very busy and i am a little edgy :-)
My e mail, why not... At least there will be something else than bills from my auctions or spam :-) [email]
See ya there :-)
What was I thinking? Silly me - [email] - should start writing to myself - maybe then i will remember my own email :-)
check if its working?
worrrrrrking :-) even wrote back - what a clever animal i am :-)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.