Stylistic Inversion

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo proszę o szybka pomoc związana z inwersją. mam kilka zdań za które nie wiem jak się zabrać:L
1. It's a pity i can't play any musical instrument.
I wish.. i could play any musiacal instrument.
2You keep whistling. It's distracting me.
i wish...
2.Just when my friend left,, his girlfriend arrived.
No sooner had she arrived then my friend left.
3.My mum was so surprised that she couldn't say a world.
4. jim loves travelling with his best friends. I'm sure he'd like to do it this time, too.
(to zdanie ma byc z would rather)

Byłbym bardzo wdzięczny za pomoc.
w polowie zdan nie ma inwersji

1. It's a pity i can't play any musical instrument.
I wish.. i could play SOME musiacal instrument.

2You keep whistling. It's distracting me.
i wish...

Tak jak poprzednie, ale użyj WOULD (mam nadzieje, ze wiesz o co chodzi)

2.Just when my friend left,, his girlfriend arrived.
No sooner had she arrived then my friend left.

ej, odwrotnie - co nastapilo najpierw? Gramatyka w kazdym razie dobra

3.My mum was so surprised that she couldn't say a world.

such was my mum's surprise that...

4. jim loves travelling with his best friends. I'm sure he'd like to do it this time, too.
(to zdanie ma byc z would rather)
wstaw would rather do drugiej czesci drugiego zdania, usuwajac 'to'
>w polowie zdan nie ma inwersji

bo 'stylistic inversion' to nietylko sama inversja, ale rowniez uzywanie trybu przypuszczajacego, konstrukcji typu 'd better' czy tez zdan z uzyciem wh-words :)
Wielkie dzięki!
co do 4 to rozumiem, że i'm sure he would rather do it this time, too.

Pozdrowienia mg
no i nie zapomnij o zmianie 'then' na 'than' w:
No sooner.... than...

>bo 'stylistic inversion' to nietylko sama inversja,

oczywiście żartujesz
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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