
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Co może oznaczać off-the-box odniesieniu do urządzenia

off-the-box urządzenie/oprogramowanie

byc moze nie uzywane, ale napewno wyciagniete z oryginalnego pudelka
off the box - the state of being removed from a position of prominence/importance due to a foolish mistake

>byc moze nie uzywane, ale napewno wyciagniete z oryginalnego pudelka

czyli np. OEM
*mial byc znak zapytania na koncu:

>czyli np. OEM?
Wszyscy troche maja racje, a troche nie... (to tak jak z "jestem za, a nawet przeciw" ;))

Tu znajdziecie wyjasnienie:,,sid182_gci213466,00.html

wszystko potrafisz znaleźć? :)
yup... And what are YOU looking for? ..;)
chodziło o:
"Out of the box" is also used as a synonym for "off the shelf," meaning a ready-made software, hardware, or combination package that meets a need that would otherwise require a special development effort.

zwłaszcza końcówka dla mnie przydatna wielce.
An "off the shelf" product today means a commodity. I don't mean pork bellies or frozen orange juice. I mean things that you don't have to custom order. Ready-made things that are available in stores.

"Out of the box" means "as received from the manufacturer."
For example, you've bought a software package, say FLOTHERM 6.1 from MENTOR. You open the box, get the disk OUT OF THE BOX, and install it on your computer.
What has installed is out-of-the-box. All the default settings that you now have to change to keep your quirks happy are out-of-the-box default settings.
Out-of-the-box means what comes out of the box.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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