Proszę o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie:
1. I'm quite keen on watching football on Tv.
2. I absolutely love my job.
3. I don't like doing crossword.
4. I really like beach holidays.
5. I can't stand being cold.
6. I don't mind dogs.
7. I quite like going to the cinema.
8. I really hate talking on the phone in English.
9. I asolutely love going dancing on Friday.
Przyczepiłabym się tylko do trzeciego - wydaje mi się, że powinno być "crosswords", a tak to okej :D
3. crosswords / możesz także powiedzieć "I don't like TO do crosswords."
7. możesz także powiedzieć "I quite like to go to the cinema."
9. też poprawna forma to "I aBsolutely love to go dancing on Friday."
Dziękuje za prawdzenie i podpowiedzenie jak można by inaczej. A teraz podpowiedz mi dlaczego w crosswords na końcu jest s czy chodzi o liczbę mnogą???
Tak - chodzi o liczbę mnogą.
Prosze o sprawdzenie czasowników z 3 ma formami + forma ciągła:
accept sth accepted accepting
admit sth admited admiting
advise advised advising
be afraid of sth afraided afraing
agree agreed agreeing
let sb do sth leted leting
be angry angried angring
answer answered answering
apologise to apoligised apoligising
appear appeared appearing
arrive in arrived arriving
ask asked asking
attend attended attending
avoid avoided avoiding
become became become becoming
belive belived beliving
belong to belonged belonging
borrow from borrowed borrowing
break broke broken breaking
brush one brushed brushing
build built built building
burn burnt burnt burning
buy bought bought buying
call sb called calling
cancel canceled canceling
carry carred carring
catch caught caught catching
cause caused causeing
celebrate celebrated celebrating
change changed changing
chat chated chating
check checked checking
clean cleaned cleaning
climb sth climbed climbing
collect collected collecting
come came come coming
concentrate concentrated concentrating
contact sb contacted contacting
continue doing continued continuing

Prosze oo poprawę i komentarz jesli jest coś źle!
Też prosze o sprawdzenie i poprawe opisu ulubionego filmu. Z góry dziękuję za pomoc:>

My favourite film is '300'. It is a historical drama film. Action of the film take place in 480 years before Christ in termopylae ravine.
The main character is a kinf Leonidas, who is comanding Spartans and must taking difficult decisions. His wife, queen Gorgo, also is a important person. Out of soldier we are getting to know Dilios, Stilios and Captain Artemis. (spośród żołnierzy poznajemy?)
Negative character ale 'god-king' Kserkses, Theron and Ephialtes.
The film is about real battle between Persians and Spartans.
Fearless, strong and inviable Spartans at first are defeating Persians. Propably they will be won the all battle. The situatioin is chanhging when Ephialtes going to the Persians and showing them the location of the secret path to the backs of Spartans. (na tyły Spartan?) Surprised Leonidas ordering a Dilios to return to Sparta and to tell of their sacrifice. In the end enormous persians army winnig Spartians, kill everyone.
In my opinion the film is very good. I think thne actors ana actrees are acting briliantly, special effects are amazing and music and graphic are absorbed. It is thne best film that I've ever seen. I recomending it to everyone.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.