eng-pol; pol-eng dictionary

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I'm aware this isn't the appropriate forum section to post this topic, but I didn't know where to post it and 'pomoc językowa' surely the most visited subforum.

I'm looking for a good (read: with lots of entries and accurate) pol-eng, eng-pol dictionary. I have Longman słownik współczesny but it sucks big time. Few entries, inaccurate translations etc. What would you guys recommend? Especially you, engee, as you seem to have at least a tetrabyte of dictionaries on your PC.

Thanks in advance.
Try ling.pl
Ling.pl is just a basic one. One of the best available online, but still a basic one.

I recommend Wielki Słownik PWN-OXFORD. It has many entries and, usually, very accurate translations.
Bednar, what does "a tetrabyte" mean ?
Słownik PWN-OXFORD 2003 wersja elektroniczna
Yes ,Wielki Słownik PWN-OXFORD is a good one , also recommend the OAED 7th edition(though it’s monolingual) to contrast definitions. There're lots of BrE and NAmE idioms for comparisson,structures,collocations and phrasal verbs, word origin and example sentences and they are all neatly arranged in sections,very easy to use.
It also has "the intelligent search engine", i.e. if you've heard a new word but not sure about its correct spelling, you type it in as you've heard it and it rolls down the listing of any similar-sounding words that can possibly match.
>Bednar, what does "a tetrabyte" mean ?

Obviously ,it's a typo. He meant 'terabyte'.
Wielki Słownik PWN-OXFORD is my favourite one and the best I have found.
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