cleft sentences :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy znajdzie się dobry człowiek, który mógłby sprawdzić tę pracę, pomóc w ewentualnym wprowadzeniem bardziej kreatywnych pomysłów? :d Miałam tu użyć jak największej ilości cleft senteces. :d

Being forced to learning English

It is usually small children that do not have to be forced to learn English. It is their eagerness to all the knowledge that engenders their obtaining it with pleasure. It is the teenagers that have more problems with their English learning. It is the trouble that only some of them understand the problem of how useful mastering even one foreign language is. Some of them... well, they don't understand the problem. I think they should be forced to learning English. It is obvious that, sooner or later, they will start to regret lacking such a basic knowledge, that they are not able to communicate with any foreigner. It is only the teenagers', or, maybe then already adults' satisfaction that will appear after several years of being compelled to studying English.
It is what will happen with all the other languages that makes me wonder. Will they become extinct? I think we shouldn't let them die. We'll be devoid of some part of our nationality. Yet, still, it is English that connects people.
Ha! See? It is Esperanto that was unnecessary.
Aż 4 pierwsze zdania zaczęłaś od It is. Strasznie się to czyta. Takie powtórzenia są literackie i nie do każdej formy wypowiedzi pasują. Przynajmniej 2 zdania trzeba zmienić. Możesz użyć "on the other hand".

Dalej masz to: Some of them... well, they don't understand

... i well w eseju? Nie. Nie ma potrzeby tak wydziwiać. Some of them don't understand....

>Ha! See? It is Esperanto that was unnecessary. Znowu wydziwiasz :)

It is English that connects people; not Esperanto.
Small children do not have to be forced to learn
>English. It is their eagerness to EMBRACE knowledge that engenders
>their obtaining it with pleasure. Teenagers have more
>problems (albo difficulty?) with LEARNING English. It is troublING that only some
>of them understand how useful mastering even one
>foreign language CAN BE. Some of them... well, they don't understand the
>problem (issue?). I think they should be forced to learn English. It is
>obvious that, sooner or later, they will start to regret lacking such
>a basic knowledge, that they WILL not able to communicate with any
>foreignerS. It is only the teenagers', or, maybe then already adults'
>satisfaction (re-work the first part of this sentence) that will appear after several years of being compelled
>to study English.
>I WONDER what will happen with all other languages? (You jumped into this idea too quickly, you need an introductory sentence.) Will they become extinct? I think we shouldn't let them die.
>We'll be devoid of some part of our nationality. Yet, still, it is
>English that connects people.
dziękuję :)
eva74, konstrukcje z "it is" to właśnie cleft sentences :) ćwiczenie polegało właśnie na tym, żeby użyć ich w jak największej ilości zdań :)


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