Zrzucić kogoś z mostu

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Jak będzie zrzucić kogoś z mostu? "to throw sb OFF the bridge" czy "to throw sb FROM the bridge"? Nie żebym chciała kogoś zrzucać z mostu, ale przeczytałam wersję z "from" no i od razu zaczęłam zastanawiać się czemu nie "off" :P No i teraz mnie to męczy:(
Znalazłam tyle (przykłady):
BBC: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/3743180.stm
THE INDEPENDENT: http://www.independent.co.uk/travel/europe/a-city-with-drive-491374.html
DAILYMAIL: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1176269/Father-killed-children-look-family-photo-day-hes-executed.html

Wyjaśni mi ktoś kiedy "off" kiedy "from"? Różni się to czymś?
Up, up:)
'push someone from/off a bridge' sa w wielu wypadkach wymienne
natomisat samo 'off a bridge' i 'from a bridge' juz nie zawsze
a można powiedzieć: I made him out of the bridge. ?
no raczej nie :/
moze w jakims science fiction movie, gdzie jakis terminator ma swoje zadanie do wykonania 'ze srodka mostu'
a moze chcesz powiedziec, ze go zrobiles z mostu :?
Oh, right... I think I'll get some sleep.

Firstly, I think you need to learn how to put into words 'this' what you're trying to say me, because I'm afraid you're not expressing yourself very clearly.

>'ze srodka mostu', maybe I'm not intelligent enough...

Secondly, I don't like your ironical way of speaking to me what really annoys me...

>no raczej nie :/
>ze go zrobiles z mostu :?

But, anyway, thx for your suggestion... ;)
I would even say: You DON'T express...
I'll get some sleep
"I made him out of the bridge"

Troche dziwna konstrukcja adriatic. Czy moze brakuje ci jakies slowo po "him"?

Miales na mysli:
I made him JUMP/LEAP Off of the bridge?

przespać się troszkę
Tak, coś mi brakowało... szukałem tego 'jump'

dzięki Siuniab
Przeczylalam ten BBC artykul : to cytuje slowa wypowiedzone przez kogos:
...The plank had the words, "I throw the girl over the bridge - I am sorry" scrawled on it. ...
Jak widzimy, chociaz niby native to mowil, to daleko jemu, zeby nawet zrozumial ze 'throw' nie jest wlasciwym slowem tutaj....no, ale coz, nativi sie nigdy nie myla, to musi byc wyjatek :-)
>Firstly, I think you need to learn how to put into words 'this' what
>you're trying to say me, because I'm afraid you're not expressing
>yourself very clearly.
>>'ze srodka mostu', maybe I'm not intelligent enough...
>Secondly, I don't like your ironical way of speaking to me what really
>annoys me...
>>no raczej nie :/
>>ze go zrobiles z mostu :?

if you really took offence by my words, or rather the way I spoke to you, then you must be the sort of person taking things too seriously, mate
chill out, buddy :P

now back to the topic - you wrote 'made him out of the briddge'
like siuniab pointed this out, the sentence was not right; the only thing that occured to my mind was the expression 'make something out of something' meaning 'construct something using different materials'
and if such an expression didn't even cross your mind, then you must teach yourself a bit more, I'm afraid to say :/

>But, anyway, thx for your suggestion... ;)
oh come on, bud - don't push yourself too hard to do anything against your own will - if you don't feel like thanking someone for their help or suggestion, you just do not do that :(
że zamiast "throw" powinno być "threw", czy jeszcze coś innego?
A całe wyrażenie co znaczy?? Również "zrucić kogoś z mostu"?
Dobra, do "throw over the bridge" znalazłam jedno tłumaczenie "to swindle as in bridge" - czyli co? Oszukując, pozbawić kogoś pieniędzy tak jak w brydżu?? Ale jak to by się miało do kontekstu? :|
I oczywiście dziękuję wszystkim za pomoc:* (Inaczej męczyłoby mnie dalej;P)
Z ciekawości sprawdziłem w słowniku...

'Throw sb over' nie tylko znaczy zrzucić kogoś np. przez most.

- to finish a relationship with someone and start one with another person

::: She threw him over for a richer man.
Taka ciekawostka dla tych, którzy chcą wiedzieć... ;)
a wpisz w google w cudzyslowie "threw him over the" i powiedz, co znacza te wszystkie przyklady?
zaciągnąć kogoś gdzieś/dokądś? No idea...
jakby kogos jeszcze ineresowalo uzycie 'throw sb from a bridge':

[...] A WOMAN who jumped to her death from a motorway bridge had never recovered from the suicide of her son 20 years earlier, an inquest heard.

Gillian James, from Bath Road, died on July 18 last year – two weeks after throwing herself from the M4 bridge at Wroughton [...]
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.