witam, potrzebuję pilnie pomocy;)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
W zdaniach podanych poniżej są błędy które trzeba odnaleść i poprawić, nie potrafię znalezc tu błędów.
1. The students distributed handouts among everyone that came.
2. I'd like to help you, but I last saw Simon in December and I didn't see him since.
3. If we go by train or by bus is of little importance in that case.
4. The bride pointed a butcher's knife at the groom and had him to walk to the altar.
5. The dark regions in the sky are not devoid of stars as had long been thought.
6. Anythink that is worth to have takes much hard work but little money.
7. She had been feeling very unwell. what she put down to stress.
8. It was still some time left but he would urge everyone to get going.
1. chyba WHO CAME a nie THAT
2. wydaje mi sie ze w koncowce zdania jest zly czas, pomysl nad tym, wydaje mi sie ze SINCE nie moze istniec w polaczeniu z Past Simple !
3. chyba WHETHER zamiast IF... nie wiem czy to nie to samo...
4. wg mnie zle jest HAD i powinno byc MADE
5. nie wiem
6. na pewno ANYTHINK jest zle ;P
7. hmmm
8. te get going jakos nie bardzo....
BTW 4. wtedy jak zamieniasz na MADE (o ile to dobrze) to w tym przypadku bez TO, np. She made me cry [I was made TO cry by HER]
dzięki, doprawdy te zdania naprawde są dla mnie trudne;)
no ja tez co do kilku nie jestem pewna... dobrze by bylo gdyby ktos to jeszcze przejrzal..
>1. The students distributed handouts {to} everyone that came.
>2. I'd like to help you, but I last saw Simon in December and I {haven't
>seen} him since.
>3. {Whether} we go by train or by bus is of little importance in that case.
>4. The bride pointed a butcher's knife at the groom and had him {}
>walk to the altar.
>5. The dark regions in the sky are not devoid of stars as {have} long
>been thought.
>6. {Anything} that is worth to have takes much hard work but little
>7. She had been feeling very unwell, {which} she put down to stress.
>8. {There} was still some time left but he would urge everyone to get
6. {Anything} that is worth to have takes much hard work but little

Anything that is worthwhile having takes much hard...
lepsza wersja (mniej zmian):

Anything that is worth having takes...
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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