prosa o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Nie lubię ludzi , którzy twierdzą, ze zawsze maja racje, nawet jesli jej nie maja i którzy troszczą się tylko o siebie.

I don`t like people who said that always have the right even when they don`t have it and who care only about yourself.

bardzo proszę o sparwdzenie i ewentualną korekte
I don`t like people who 'said' SAY that THEY ARE always 'have the' (niepotr) right even when they don`t have it and who care only about 'yourself' THEMSELVES. have the right - miec prawo..
close... but not quite :P

I don't like people who claim (that) they're always right, even if they are not and who care only about themselves.
if someone wants to say 'say' and not 'claim' - perhaps we had better leave it at that. Maybe the person does not know the meaning of the word 'claim' and here we try and use the vocabulary which the person already knows.
thank you very much :)
>if someone wants to say 'say' and not 'claim' - perhaps we had better
>leave it at that. Maybe the person does not know the meaning of the
>word 'claim' and here we try and use the vocabulary which the person
>already knows.

That's quite a blivet of disorderly syllables.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia