jedno zdanie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o pomoc w tłumaczeniu jednego zdania
You're unlikely to go careering into a table lag when you actually want to stop.
a przede wszystkim chodzi o zwrot go careering. Jak to przetłumaczyć?
Dziekuję z góry za odpowiedź
to career = to move very quickly

a co ma znaczyc 'table lag'? jaki jest kontekst?
literówka - table leg ;)
chyba mialo byc careen(ing)
careen: to rush headlong, hurtle unsteadily
BrE vs. AmE!
haha a ja myslalam ze to literowka :)
>chyba mialo byc careen(ing)

Another confused sheeple.
>Bre vs. ame!

Two distinct verbs undivided by the ocean at all.
Another confused sheeple.
>haha a ja myslalam ze to literowka :)

Now you are bamboozled.
Well, I suppose it could have been could have taken my head off.

It really isn't that implausible that the author may have intended to write "careening" rather than "careering" given that he mis-typed "table leg".

I suspect the verb "career" is used more commonly in th U.K. than it is here in NA. Obviously, mg would know more about this than I would.

Are you an expert on BrE? I was under the impression that you lived in the States.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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