Jak przetłumaczyć witamy np. w domu, firmie

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1-30 z 37
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Jak napisać witamy np. w domu, firmie. Czy takie tłumaczenie jest poprawne: welcome to our home/company.
wizyta oficjalna (firma) - mogloby byc np: \"welcome to our firm\", \"Welcome to \".
\"Welcome to our house\" - brzmi bardzo oficjalnie, samo \"Welcome\" wystarczy, brzmi bardziej przyjaznie
nie \"firm\" tylko \"company\"
firm tez pasuje
Not really, unless we\'re talking about a law firm or an accounting firm...
welcome home
hmmm... ja to myslalam zawsze, ze to raczej do powracajacych do domu...
nie tylko: audit/auditing firm, broking firm, consulting, engineering, manufacturing firm, stockbrocking firm, telecommunications firm

A tak poza tym to ACCOUNTANCY FIRM, a nie ACCOUNTING firm
no to pewnie mozna sobie wybrac co bardziej pasuje...jak firma prawnicza to \"firm\" a jak fabryka produkujaca nadwozia do ciezarowek z siedzibami po calej Polsce to pewnie mozna uzyc \"company\".
Interesting - \"accountancy firm...\"

I recommend you stop giving misleading information. For starters, you can open any yellow pages and see how many \"accountancy firms\" you find (vs. \"accounting firm\")... or better yet, try the good ol\' google and do a search on \"accounting firm\" vs \"accountancy firm\" and share your findings with us .....

Oh, one more thing, I have a correction for you - it\'s not BROKING firm but BROKERAGE firm.
Do Esq.:

Jak juz to accountancy firm UK= accounting firm US; broking firm UK=brokerage firm US)
Pocztyaj lepiej slowniki i prase fachowa kolego/kolezanko nim zaczniesz poprawiac czyjes bledy! Przesylam Ci kilka przykladow z brytyjskiego Financial Times (Sorki czytuje tylko prase brytyjską) nie wiem czy czytujesz taka prase, jezeli nie , to polecam!


Such moves could prompt the most radical restructuring of the profession since the begining of the last century. Several other leading accountancy firms are known to be discussing incorporation. (source: Financial Times )

Even the other bodies acknowledge that the profession gains much of its intellectual drive from auditing and the Big Six accountancy firms. (source: Financial Times )

Probably less than 25 per cent of the revenues of City accountancy firms originates overseas. Legal services are closer to the Boeing model.(source: Financial Times )

In law, the top six firms had a turnover of Pounds 844m, only slightly more than the second-tier firms\' Pounds 756m. The City\'s law and accountancy firms are pre-eminent internationally.(source: Financial Times )

City law firms derive almost 50 per cent of their turnover from non-UK clients, but the product they export is English law. Turnover figures for the top 20 accountancy firms and law firms in the UK in 1993 illustrate the point (source: Financial Times )

The US management consulting arm of Deloitte and Touche, the world\'s fifth biggest accountancy firm, is being sued for Dollars 250m (source: Financial Times )

There are between 100 and 200 firms scattered across the country with an IP partner, while an average Big Six accountancy firm might have 45 IPs. Stoy\'s admits that the preferred option is a \'challenging option\'.(source: Financial Times )

A statement issued on behalf of both parties by the accountancy firm said: \'In agreeing the settlement, Price Waterhouse deny any liability. (source: Financial Times )

an Brindle, the acerbic senior partner at Price Waterhouse, once famously said on the subject of accountancy firms moving from partnership to incorporation that it was a matter of: \'when not whether\'. After that things became much more simple.(source: Financial Times )

he large accountancy firms are watching developments - and the likely consultancy needs which may arise - with keen interest (source: Financial Times )

Software distribution was cited as the fourth most important application. Ernst & Young, the accountancy firm, plans to provide its analysis of the Budget on the Internet less than 12 hours after the chancellor addresses the Commons on Tuesday.

Company failures continued to fall in the third quarter, figures from KPMG Peat Marwick, the accountancy firm, show

The west of England, according to an analysis by Coopers & Lybrand, the accountancy firm, is the largest UK regional centre for financial services in terms of employment.


American Express, for instance, sold off three substantial businesses last year - Shearson, a broking firm, the Boston Company, and First Data

Mr Alain Servais, of Dewaay Servais, a Belgian broking firm, registered reservations on behalf of members from his region.

Mr Frank Zarb has been here before - a broking firm with a long and venerable history, but losing ground to competitors and with little control over its costs.

Generally, India produces around 40m kg of tea in December,\' said Mr HM Parekh, chairman of J. Thomas, India\'s biggest tea broking firm. Mr HP Barooah, chairman of Indian Tea Association, agreed with the production estimate.

There was sizeable selling and some aggressive marking down by marketmakers, but it never ever resembled a panic,\' said the head of sales at one broking firm.

Mr Wilmot-Sitwell will be succeeded by Mr Nick Verey. Mr Wilmot-Sitwell is widely viewed as one of the architects of the few post big-bang successes among UK merchant banks and broking firms.

Ord Minnett said that the broking firm is fully indemnified for the cost of the settlement.

Shipyards bucked the trend, Keppel rising 55 cents to SDollars 10.40 and Jorong Shipyard 60 cents to SDollars 13.50. KUALA LUMPUR finished generally easier as volume shrank on lack of demand, and buying restrictions imposed by broking firms.

he London stock market firmed on Friday as rumours of an imminent cut were boosted by four of the City\'s leading broking firms\' reducing their year-end forecasts.

He said Ord Minnett had not yet finalised an arrangement to offer management and staff a stake in the broking firm.

And you have to remember that most of the big broking firms have been bulls of the shares in recent months.

The more who trade, the better the service. One broking firm seeking to alert private investors to its advantages is Dunbar Boyle & Kingsley.

The financial deregulation of Big Bang in London was barely a year old, and US banks and securities houses were eagerly snapping up UK jobbing and broking firms, or opening big offices in the City.

fter 37 years in the business, David Lumsden this week retired from the broking firm which bears his name, Henry Cooke Lumsden, having seen it develop into one of the UK\'s biggest regional stockbroking firms.

The broking firm cited increasingly aggressive pricing in the UK bricks and roof tiles businesses for the downgrades. Redland settled 10 lower at 342p, on 2m traded, and Marley dipped 4 to 76p with 677,000 shares changing hands.
>(Sorki czytuje tylko prase brytyjską)

OK....how is \"a big mouth\" in BrE slang then?
wow!!! anka125, zaimponowalas mi wiedza! gratulacje osiagniecia takiego poziomu! mieszkasz moze w anglii, skoro czytujesz bryt prase?
bede wdzieczna za wskazowki co do nauki. malo tu takich ludzi jak ty, tzn z taka wiedza i profesjonalizmem
ok, moze troche przesadzilam z tym lizusostwem, ale naprawde imponuje mi cos takiego. sama nie mam zbyt wielkich zdolnosci jezykowych, choc probuje cos osiagnac na polu jezykow obcych. stad tez bylabym wdzieczna za wskazowki od anki125
pozdrawiam wszystkich, bez wyjatku;)
..a co uwazasz mnie za loudmouthed person czy za gossipy person?

Poza tym \'big mouth\' to nie BrE slang tylko AmE (glownie)
Any other words for a \"mouth\" then (BrE) according to your British newspapers and possibly literature?
Bazoo (XIX w)
gob (nothern English)
cakehole,chops,flapper,kisser,hole,north and south (cockney ;) ), smush,maw
bacca box
faggot tunnel
kissing tackle
knuckle sandwitch
laughing gear
Queen of South
beer trap
paptato trap
frenching unit
sunny South


Sorki, ze tak malo, ale nie jestem z HOBO JUNGLE/ HOOVERVILLE/ SKID ROW/

Aha, w gazetach typu Financial Times nie uzywa sie slangu LOL
FLAPPERS- THE arms., long-pointed shoes, the boards carried by sandwich man..i assume you know the word you are from ib and warsaw and the daughter of rich parents;) as far as flappers are concerned, we cannot omit the ears
a moze hum-job?! lol i believe that it has nothing to do with ctrl+c ctrl+v and dictionary ;)) newspeak rocks the house!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Aha, w gazetach typu Financial Times nie uzywa sie slangu LOL

no shit!


btw. knuckle sandwich is NOT a mouth but a punch/kick in the mouth. when you copy things down off the internet don\'t get too carried away.
also half of the words you copied doen are BrE and half AmE.

have a nice day!
As for you, you got all that from Cassell\'s dictionary.
Good job!
me? no...see yaa asking \'bout a source...i took it from my memory but to be put into my head first i needed andrezej kuropatnicki\'s books
i use cassell\'s dictionary...it is wonderful i have been in enormous sorrow since i wasn\'t able to come to katowice and take part in green\'s lecture and of course get my book signed by the master :(
nie wiem moze ktos powinien załozyc posta z tematem \" who knows more..\" i trzeba by było zaprosic wszystkich \"braggarts\" najbardziej rozbrajaja mnie osoby ktore podostawałys ie na filologie ang a zachowuja sie jakby romana kostrzewskiego za nogi złapały jacy wibitni tłumacze czesto tez jest tak \"ja i tak wiem lepiej od ciebie i najlepiej abys sie zamknął/eła\" ale chyba nie o to ty chodz no nie? niech ktos napisze ze sie myle :))) pozdrawiam
Po pierwsze naucz sie poprawnie pisac po angielsku, potem zabierz sie za slang. Po wtore, nie wiem czy wiesz, ale ludzie na poziomie nie posluguja sie slangiem i szczerze mowiac nawet w jezyku polskim nie znam duzo slangowych slow! Chyba jednak bede musiala zaczas sie powaznie uczyc slangu, bo inaczej nie zdam matury z angielskiego i moge byc nie zrozumiana przez profesora sprawdzajacego moje wypracowanie. Pozdrowienia!
>nie wiem moze ktos powinien załozyc posta z tematem \" who knows more..\"

how about \"who can copy more?\"
that\'s a good one
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1-30 z 37
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