Poprawka błędów!!! Prosze

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Greetings from Dublin. I'm on a linguistic competition here and I enjoy every day of it, mostly the people that I met here The weather is very hot and I'm having a wonderful time. I'm staying with my friend who lives in the centre of Dublin. I've been here since Monday and I've already done lots of things. We have English classes every morning and go out every evening as well. It is a fantastic city - you must visit it one day! Anyway, I'm returning to England on Sunday next week, so I'll call you then.
I'm on a linguistic competition here and I AM enjoyING every day of it, 'mostly the people that I met here' (cos tutaj brakuje, to nie ma sensu).


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie