structural cloze pomoc w sprawdzeniu

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British People have BEEN sending greetings cards FOR over 600 years. On St Valentine's Day (14 February, medieval lovers WOULD sing traditional romantic greetings to each other. AT some point, a card was added to the song. In the British Museum there is A valentine card, made in the 1400s, which is THE oldest known greetings card in existence. These firs cards WERE made by hand and consisted of a single sheet, not folded in ONE way, which had no envelope. The custom of exchanging cards remained popular throughout the middle ages, but not nearly as popular AS it became later, in the 1800s, when factory-made cards were introduced. In the factories, workers used TO paint the black and white cards by hand, but these cards were not decorative enough for many people's tastes, WHICH real lace and ribbons were added from the mid nineteenth century. However, the production process was much to slow to keep BACK with demand, and by the end of the century, nearly MANY cards were being produced by machine. This speeded up the process and ..... costs down. Each year in the UK, people send even more greetings cards THAN they did the year before, and use them for many different occasions. But Christmas cards and valentine cards remain the MOST popular of all.

Bardzo prosiłabym o pomoc w sprawdzenie. Wyrazy pisane drukowanymi literami to wstawione przeze mnie. Tam gdzie jest miejsce wykropkowane nie miałam pojęcia co wstawić. Byłabym wdzięczna za jakąkolwiek pomoc.
Jaki jest konkretny temat tej pracy, to postaram się pomóc. Bo widzę kilka takich małych błędów.


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Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie