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Never trust appearances.
When we meet somebody for the first time, we usually watch him or her very carefully.
First of all, we pay attention to appearance and clothes somebody’s wearing. Besides, it’s very important for us how this person is speaking to us, gesticulating or acting. Therefore we can say if somebody is for example friendly, kind or uninteresting. And it is just first impression. Of course, it doesn’t refer only to people but to, for instance, books, films or CDs, too. When we want to buy it, we read a title, watch the cover and if we don’t like it we wouldn’t buy it.
But the first impression may be wrong.
As far as the people are concerned it is said that “You don’t judge book by its cover”. What’s more, in many cases it’s true: we meet person, for instance woman, who is very pretty, charming and elegant. But when we start to talk with her it turns out that he’s boring, selfish and uninteresting. And vice versa: somebody isn’t so pretty or well-dressed but actually she is very friendly, intelligent and kind person.
When we see a drunk, smelling man with dirty clothes, we can say that he must be from margin of society and we immediately suppose that he is worse than we are.
Few years ago I've seen very good film. It was about poor man - he didn't have money, clothes, even own house, but for all that he could sacrifice his life for saving some little girl. Maybe he hadn’t money but he had something more important good heart.
Generally, we shouldn’t follow the way somebody looks but there are some situations when first impression is very important. One of them is we’re applying for a job – elegant look and smile may be very helpful for us.
Personally I believe that more important is what we have inside than the way we look. At the same time we should try to make a positive and friendly impression on other people. Otherwise they could be biased against us.