z którym, o którym

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1-30 z 34
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Mam pytanie, jak konstruuje się zdania typu:

1. To mój przyjaciel, z którym lubię rozmawiać.
2. To jest dom, w którym mieszkam.
3. To jest film, o którym ci mówiłem.

Czy to będzie tak:
1. This is my friend who I like talking to.
2. This is a house which I live in.
3. This is a movie which I told you about.

Mam problem z prepositions, nie moge znaleźć czy daje się je na końcu, czy gdzieś w środku.
>1. This is my friend who I like talking to.
>2. This is {the} house which I live in.
>3. This is {the} movie which I told you about.
Additional info:
The correct usage of "which" and "that" can be a little confusing.

Here the rule is very clear in sentences 2 and 3:
If “this,” “that,” “these,” or “those” has been used to introduce the first clause, use “which” to introduce the next one, whether the information is essential or nonessential.

Sentence 1 relates to people so of course you would use "who"
How about
those are just some guys that I met yesterday
yes, you're right mg. :)
There are exceptions.

It is becoming more acceptable to use "that" in reference to "people" on this side of the pond. The debate rages on among grammarians. Grammar seems to be more "art" than "science".

Coming out of hibernation
yes, you're right mg. :)
There are exceptions.

Ain't meself exceptional!

>It is becoming more acceptable to use "that" in reference to "people" on this side of the pond. The debate rages on among grammarians. Grammar seems to be more "art" than "science".

Usage rules but everyone has the right to take exception to a particular grammar novelty they don't feel comfortable about using.
On a more factual note, did you mean that 'the people that I know' would be dismissed as ungrammatical in Canada and the U.S.?
maybe it's a generational thing.
I'm pretty old school. (Damn that was hard to admit)

interesting reading:
Are you copying "yes, you're right mg" because it sends shivers up/down your spine moj drogi??

Jumping in my car to battle traffic.
>Are you copying "yes, you're right mg...

yes, you're right m

Back to our discussion: that was an interesting read, especially as I have never heard of this kind of controversy in BrE. One distinction I know is that 'that' is preferred after indefinite articles 'a man that I know' and who/m is preferred after definite articles 'the man who/m I know'. Does that sound familiar to you?
>Jumping in my car to battle traffic.

some people honk their horns and some people apparently jump in their seats. Aren't you wearing your seat belt?
Interesting :)
By any chance mg, is this what they the call ? :

“The manipulation on the animancy of the relative pronoun within the subject and object-relative clause. “

“The lawyer that irritated the banker filed a hefty lawsuit.”
“The girls who spoke to me told me the story of his life.”
“The girls that I spoke to told me the story of his life.”

My examples :
These two hoodlums that stabbed a police officer to death. ??
( inmplication : I hate them )
These two hoodlums who stabbed a police officer to death. ??
(implication : I’m indifferent )

Ignoring our prescriptive grammar for a while : The question is:
whether "who" is to exclusively focus the animate subject in the said relative clauses. ?
Both are possible I think but with the former being less generic ?
Animacy bias in processing relative clauses ?
Dziękuje wszystkim za odpowiedzi. Teraz jestem pewna, że prepositions daje się na końcu.
patrz, nie do konca zostal temat rozwiniety

mozna rowniez stawiac przyimki przed zaimkami wzglednyi (oprocz 'who' i 'that'):

>1. This is my friend who I like talking to.
This is my friend to whom I like talking.
lub pomijajac zaimek wzgledny:
This is my friend I like talking to.

>2. This is {the} house which I live in.
This is the house in which I live.
This is the house I live in.

>3. This is the movie which I told you about.
This is the movie {about which} I told you.
This is the movie I told you about.

te zdania z przyimkiem przed 'which/whom' sa odbierane jako formalne, a te bez 'which/who/that' jako bardzo nieformalne
These two hoodlums that stabbed a police officer to death. ??
( inmplication : I hate them )
These two hoodlums who stabbed a police officer to death. ??
(implication : I'm indifferent )

Never heard of this attitudinal difference, sorry.
Hmm.. some food for thought for those whose imagination is as much fertile or either ‘microcephalic’ as is mine. -:)

Victor says , “ There is more to making music than just playing the right notes…”
I say , “There is more to speaking a language than just persistently clingning to its systematic and structural character.” ??

Victor Wooten is a relatively young (but how indeed amasing) bassist amongst the seasoned Stanley Clark and Marcus Miller. ( how come ? the definite article before a proper noun ?:))

See this clip :

What does it say to you ? :)
Any chance of coaxing you to "tickle the ivories" when we meet up?
Whatever you say baby :))
You can coax me into doing different things ., haha
We can go to the Harenda Club. It's a realy nice 'gin-dive' where I used to open many bottles while cutting a rag on the said ivories, let alone tickling them :))

Przypomniało mi się jakoś dawne czasy. Niekiedy po zmianie , jak pracowałem jako barman na starym mieście, szliśmy do baru , robiliśmy tam jednego Walker'a póżniej jechaliśmy na golonkę pod pałac, a później do Harendy.
Tan było dużo więcej whiskey i mieli tam pianino. Zawsze robiłem tam taki mały jamming, nieraz pamiętam , miałem na obu kolanach po jednej dziewczynie które trzymay jedna szkalnke z whiskey druga pyfko, matko jedyno , to był prawie Mozart .. hahaha
co ty, Mikolaj? ze panienki ci siedzialy na kolanu?

Harenda Club it is.
I'll hold you to this Sav, women NEVER forget
I can already imagine a girl sitting on my right knee 'now'. She would obviously linger for a "longer time" to sit as my knee is now more "articulated and pointed" ( for those in the know) :))
No siedziały :)) to było prawie dwadziescia lat temu :)
rolling of eyes (pause)
Slow down bunny, you might hurt yourself.
20 lat temu, bylismy wszyscy piekni i mlodzi.
only joking, I have already padded it out just in case .. ;) and for me it's alaways been "the ..club".
And now we are more .. hmm.. deliberately sensious or either sensuously deliberate ? At least we know how it works :)
signing off...
There's a riveting game of men's curling to watch for the gold medal.
Off to my world of sharps and flats.( and syncopes )
They don't have to talk to each other.
What a sublime combination of marvellousness and technical mastery of the first order. Amazing. And to think they've been my jazz icons since I was able to play a Cmaj9 chord.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1-30 z 34
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