Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Jakie są poprawne odpowiedzi?Chciałabym skorygować ze swoimi

1. Many small retailers have …… bankrupt as a result of the invasion of supermarkets.
a) taken
b) gone
c) lain
d) run
e) passed
2. Nobody ….. those books before you were
a) had allowed to reading
b) was allowed reading
c) had allowed to read
d) will be allowed to read
e) is allowed reading
3. My son …….. truant for the last 3 weeks. He has missed many important classes.
a) is playing
b) had been playing
c) has played
d) plays
e) has been played
4. Unfortunately, only…… people benefited from the EU subsidies.
a) a little
b) little
c) few
d) many
e) a few
5. Could you call me ….. my first name?
a) with
b) at
c) by
d) to
e) of
6. Since when ……..you…….. about the meeting?
a) have/known
b) did/knew
c) do/know
d) have/been knowing
e) will/know
7. Mr Jones ……….. in junior high school before he moved to Warsaw 4 years ago.
a) has taught
b) teached
c) had taught
d) teaches
e) were teaching
8. The weather is terrible. If it ……….. for a while, I……….. take the dog for a walk
a) will not stop raining / will not
b) does not stop raining/ won’t be able to
c) rains/ will have
d) is stopping raining/ will
e) rained /will
9. The shoplifter said he…….. the boxes the other day.
a) didn’t steal
b) can’t steal
c) would have stoled
d) hadn’t stolen
e) were stealing

10. The dancer ………. While she was performing.
a) fall
b) felt
c) collapsed
d) trip
e) faint
11. Only when …. him will you realize how much he has suffered.
a) will you see
b) you see
c) you will have seen
d) you saw
e) did you see
12. Even a small dog in the house can …….. a thief.
a) arrest
b) counter
c) growl
d) deter
e) investigate
13. Many animal species became ……. Over the centuries.
a) extant
b) extent
c) extinct
d) extinguished
e) extinguish
14. Cuckoos are know for …….. their eggs in the nests of other birds.
a) lying
b) lieing
c) laining
d) laying
e) laiding
15. I’m not …… to being ordered around.
a) use
b) made
c) accustomed
d) using
e) good
16. Our teacher applied for a year’s …….. leave to complete her Ph. D . dissertation.
a) sabbatical
b) satanic
c) superfluous
d) suspended
e) science
17. How long ……… those two …….. the film now?
a) had/watched
b) did/watch
c) were/watching
d) have been /watching
18. Don’t ask me to help you. I’m utterly …… and feel like having a short nap.
a) filled up
b) worn off
c) let out
d) worn out
e) tie up
19. She looked disheveled as she got …… the train.
a) out of
b) out
c) off
d) in
e) into

20. Jack doesn’t have any siblings. He’s ……… child.
a) an alone
b) an only
c) a single
d) a one
e) a singular
21. Somehow she couldn’t …….. the energy necessary to argue the point.
a) master
b) muster
c) mister
d) have master
e) to muster
22. Julia pulled some……. clothes out of the bottom of the drawer
a) crumbled
b) broken
c) crumpled
d) crushed
e) crunched
23. The assassins opened fire, killing a policeman and a ………
a) Passover
b) Passers
c) Passer-by
d) Bypasser
e) Passengers
24. She bought two ………. Vases at the auction last week.
a) a glass ancient blue
b) ancient glass blue
c) blue glass ancient
d) ancient blue glass
e) blue ancient glass
25. Instead of flying ……….. to Naples, we stopped over in Vienna.
a) indirect
b) direct
c) directive
d) via
e) indirectly
>Chciałabym skorygować ze swoimi

to podaj te swoje odpowiedzi, a my powiemy, czy dobrze zrobilas.
1. b
2. c
w 2. i 3. wszystko dobrze przepisałaś?
6 a
14 i 15 też źle (I'm not usE???)
sorry myslalem, ze masz 15 a, ale i tak jest zle.
16 19 zle
21 23 25 zle
to można wiedzieć jakie są dobre odp tam gdzie jest źle??
w zadaniu 2 podpunkt c - had been allowed to read
w 3 przepisałam dobrze
czyli 2 3 dobrze.
Co do reszty - probuj, juz wiesz, ktore na pewno sa zle.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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