poprawność gramatyczna wypowiedzi

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
CHodzi mi o sprawdzenie czy to wszystko się jakoś ładnie układa? tzn czy nie ma rażących błędów gramatycznych

How will the environment change in the future?

I have chosen this topic because I think that it says about very important things to people. In my opinion human life has always depended on the environmental conditions.

In my presentation I would like to say how will the environment alter in the next years.

Since a few years ago we constantly hear about changes which are occurring on our planet all the time. Scientists most often talk about global warming. There are more and more ecological organizations which activity influence on the ordinary people but also on the famous motor companies. This is the beginning of serious changes which, in my opinion will come up yet.

I think that the biggest change which will occur in the future is adjusting or improving the inventions of technology in the way which won't threat our environment. The best and the simplest example are campaigns which are meant to reduce the number of plastic bags and put into practice usage of paper bags. However taking care of our environment don't rely only on segregating trash. The biggest changes are already occurring. I mean engineers from the richest countries (for example..) create plans of ecological, green cities. In the future there will be developing independent metropolies friendly for people and for nature. In poorer countries this changes won't be occurring fast. Despite it environment will be still developing because it is the indispensable part of every ecosystem, especially the one which people are living in.


Studia językowe


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie