Pewne zadanie-nie rozumie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam pewne zadanie do odrobienia chce je zrobic samodzielnie ale kompletnie nie wiem o co chodzi.
czy to ma byc dialog w sprawie pracy czy co .
Oczekuje tylko odpowiedzi o co chodzi ewentualnie drobnych wskazowek
O to tresc:
Read this advert for a part-time sales assistant. Work in pairs(zadanie musze sam zrobic) One of you is Student A,the other is student B.Follow your instructions.

Need a part-time job? Extreme sports , High road , Newton , requuire a part-time sales assistant. Interested? Then phone ................... now.

Student A
You are interesred in the job advertised .Phone the number in the advert.Wait for your partner to speak first
-Explain which job you are phoning about and say you'd like some information.
-Ask about the numbers of hours
-Ask about the numbers of hours
-Ask about the wages
-Ask if experience is necessary-
-Request an application form
-Thank the person for their help.
Student B
You work in the sports shop. You are taking phone calls about the job speak first.
-Answer the phone(give the name of the company and the phone number)
-Ask how you can help
-Explain about hours. a full day on Saturday
-Money: depends on age
-Experience :none necessary
-Promise to put application form in the post
-Thank the person for the call
Jezeli polecenie jest za trudne do zrozumienia, nie wiem jak sobie poradzisz sobie z tym zadaniem.
Polecenie wymaga aby 2 studentow wzielo udzial w dialogu.
Student A, ktory jest zainteresowany praca i student B, ktory pracuje w sklepie sportowym i udziela informacji. I dla A i B jest podana lista szczegolow, ktore musza byc uwzglednione w dialogu.


Studia za granicą


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