Kto potrafii reported speech?

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We have worked on some dialogues in the workbook (in the listening section) changing them into stories using the reported speech.
If you want to write a homework you can make a summary of Politkovskaya case, or express your opinion on the dangers of journalist`s work.
BBC NEWS Russia hunts journalist's killer
Russian prosecutors investigating the murder of a prominent journalist say they believe her death could be linked to her investigative reporting. Anna Politkovskaya was found shot dead on Saturday in a lift at her apartment block in the Russian capital, Moscow. Grainy CCTV footage from the building shows a man in a baseball cap following her inside just before the shooting.
The 48-year-old mother of two was known as a fierce critic of the Kremlin's actions in Chechnya. Deputy Prosecutor Vyacheslav Rosinsky said that one theory was that the killing had been "linked to the victim's social or professional duties". Her own newspaper, Novaya Gazeta, suggests on its front page that she was killed for her reporting on Chechnya. Police sources quoted by Russian media say Ms Politkovskaya was shot three times in the body and once in the head. A Makarov pistol and four cartridges were reportedly found near her body.
Ms Politkovskaya often wrote about human rights abuses in Chechnya and her last published article in Novaya Gazeta attacked pro-Moscow militia there. A new article about torture was in the pipeline, according to deputy editor Vitaly Yaroshevsky. "We were expecting material for Monday's issue," he said on Russian TV. "She said she would do it and was meant to write this, and perhaps already had. It was about torture in Chechnya." Ms Politkovskaya had received death threats in the past and suspicions were immediately raised that her death was a contract killing.
Ms Politkovskaya became ill with food-poisoning on her way to report on the Beslan school siege in 2004, which some believed to be an attempt on her life. In 2001, she fled to Vienna, Austria, after receiving e-mail threats claiming a Russian police officer she had accused of committing atrocities against civilians wanted to take his revenge.
Former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev described her killing as a savage crime, and a blow to the independent democratic press in Russia. The US state department said America was "shocked and profoundly saddened by the brutal murder of independent Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya". The director of the Moscow-based Centre for Journalism in Extreme Situations, Oleg Panfilov, said: "Whenever the question arose whether there is honest journalism in Russia, almost every time the first name that came to mind was Politkovskaya. "Russia has lost a brave and dedicated human rights defender," said Nicola Duckworth from the rights group Amnesty International which called for a thorough investigation.
Russian political analyst Anna Zelkina was doubtful there would be results. "There is this series of politically motivated murders like hers," she told the BBC. "I'm afraid that there will be less and less people who would be taking the risk to report... [she's] a very difficult person to replace." Terry Davis, secretary-general of the human rights watchdog The Council of Europe, suggested she may have fallen victim to "self-appointed executioners... silencing voices of protest".
In an interview two years ago with the BBC, Ms Politkovskaya said she believed it was her duty to continue reporting, despite receiving death threats. "I think the duty of doctors is to give health to their patients, the duty of the singer to sing - the duty of the journalist is to write what this journalist sees in reality," she said.

Nov 2008 Politkovskaya murder trial - tv
A trial is underway in Moscow of three men charged with the connection of the killing of the investigative journalist Anna Politkovskaya. Military Tribunal has ruled the trial will be 1______ to the public. Ms. Politkovskaya was found killed in the lobby of her 2________ building in Moscow in a contract style killing 3_____ years ago.
It was a murder which shocked 4______ and the world. Russia`s most respected 5_______ journalist gunned down in the middle of Moscow, the date was, October the 6______ 2006, president Vladimir Putin`s birthday. On the morning of October the 7th Anna Politkovskaya just left her flat on the 7______ floor and was in this lift heading down on her way to work. As she stepped out into the hallway she was shot 8_____ times in the head and chest. Her alleged killer was caught on this 9_______ as he walked calmly down the stairs and out of the building. Two years on and this man has 10______ been found. Instead three other men are in court. None of them is accused of her murder or of 11_______ it.
Anna`s son says these men are at most big players. „One can say this trial is a 12______. The people in the dock they were underdogs. The 13_______ of those people who killed her was simple for them it was all about the money. It was 14________ killing.”
But who paid for that contract? Anna Politkovskaya had plenty of 15_______. She took on the Russian military accusing them of terrible human rights 16______ in the brutal war in Chechnya. She took on this man - Chechnya warlord president ... . She called him a modern-day 17________.
Grigorij Paskov is an investigative journalist and was a friend of Anna`s. He says whoever ordered the killing is protected by the 18______ and will never come to justice. We will not find out who killed Anna but we do know who didn`t object to her killing. The 19______ benefited from her murder. They benefited from silencing her, from silencing a brave and prominent journalist. Since Anna`s murder few in Russia are willing to 20_________ Russia`s dark underbelly. Those who do know that one day there will be a man waiting in the hallway with a gun.
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