Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
CZY mogłabym prosić o sprawdzenie poniższego "wiersza"?
z góry dziękuję

You … Free and happy
Free from everyday life and cruel material world
Free from memories and failures
Free from your body and pain…
WE …. angry, desperate and absent
Helplessness victims TORTURED BY MEMORIES! ;((
Is that true you are not here with us!!?? No, it’s not…can’t be true…
We are learning how to live again… live without you…is that possible?
WHERE ARE YOU ??!! What are u doing?!! Are u in heaven?? or maybe are u just sleeping? THIS UNCERTAINTY IS KILLING ME!! Will I EVER SEE YOU AGAIN??? …;((
HELPLESS victims
Is IT true you are not here with us!!?? No, it's not... (IT) can't be true...

WHERE ARE YOU ??!! What are u doing?!!
albo piszesz normalnie 'you' albo przez caly czas piszesz w stylu sms-owym 'u'

maybe YOU ARE just sleeping?

reszta ok
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