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Jak jest po angielsku "polaczek"? Może ktoś zna oryginalny dowcip o Polakach?
np. Pollack

wpisz "Polish jokes" w wyszukiwarce
There was once a Polak who was extremely sad with life because people always made fun of him. He decided to do something about it. He sat back and thought about it. Suddenly he thought - "I have never seen anyone making fun of Italians. So, if I start talking and behaving like them, no one will be able to make out that I am Polish and make fun of me." He went into isolation for three months and after a lot of practice, he walked confidently into a shop and said, "I am a very hungry. Give me some pepperoni and zucchini." Immediately, the man behind the counter said "Are you a Polak?" This guy was taken aback and he repeated his request. The man behind the counter said, "Are you a Polak or not?" This man was finally very ashamed and amazed at the shop owner's discerning ability and so he admitted to the fact after which he asked, "But how did you know?" The shopkeeper replied, "This is a hardware store!"

jest niezly ;) zastanawia mnie tylko konstrukcja "he admitted to the fact after which he asked"
>np. Pollack..

..is a pollock ..is a fish. A little pole is a little polack.
Dzięki za wszystko
u rright.
> zastanawia mnie tylko konstrukcja "he admitted to the fact after which he asked"

po czym zapytał. Powinien być przecinek przed "after'.

My favourite one:
What kind of question leaves a Polak in suspense?
Why are dumb pollac jokes so short?
So Germans can understand them.
Why are dumb pollack jokes so short?
So Germans can understand them.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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