Sprawdźcie moje wypracowanie!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Co o tym myślicie?

A lot of people don't like their school, because they perhaps don't have friends and they have problems with study. In my opinion, my school in Mędrzechów is the best!
Firstly, I have lots of friends in my school. We are always together and it makes, so we are happy. Furthermore, I really like my class and educator. On lessons we are still laugthing, because, for example, somebody talk something funny. Also teachers are usually kind.
On the other hand, lessons start at 7:10, and we are usually asleep. There can be more discos in my school. Moreover, in my school is coll without this.
All in all, my school is the best. I like it and every day which I spend there is a good day.
A lot of people don't like their schools, because probably they don't have friends and they have difficulty in studying. In my opinion, my school which is in Mędrzechów is the best!
Firstly, I have lots of friends in my school. We are always together and it makes us happy. Furthermore, I really like my class and educator(CO TO JEST?). During the lessons we are still laugthing, because, for example, somebody talks something funny. Teachers are also usually kind.
On the other hand, the lessons start at 7:10 a.m., and we are usually sleepy. There can be more discos in my school. Moreover, in my school an atmosphere is cool without this.
All in all, my school is the best. I like it and every day which I spend there is a good day.
Zaznaczyłam to co udało mi się znaleźć
Dzięki bardzo. A educator to poprostu wychowawca :)
a nie form master?
ja bym zamienila
educator -> tutor
wychowawca klasy = forma master
educator - wychowawca, czyli 'ktoś, kto wychowuje innych w środowisku szkolnym'. Not all teachers are good educators
tutor - prywatny wychowawca lub taki opiekun naukowy np. w Oxfordzie.
ja bym zamienila educator na home- room teacher :))
myślę, że najtrafniejszym tłumaczeniem będzie 'form teacher', dokładnie tak jak napisał mq.

'educator' to owszem, ktos wychowujący, ale w szerszym zakresie niż , jak tu, w odniesieniu tylko do danej klasy
a, mq napisał 'from master', ale to i tak podobnie :))

pozdrawiam :))
jeśli pozwolicie, to dodam od siebie kilka poprawek. Niektóre zdania wymagałyby całkowiej zmiany, bo są troszke ...'awkward'

they have difficulty studying (bez 'in')
my school (which is) in M is the best
laughing (bez 't')
we are still laughing - dlaczego 'still' , nie bardzo mi to pasuje, czy coś się stało, że mimo tego wciaz się smiejecie??
someone talks something funny - talks about, tells sth
there can be - może lepiej tryb przypuszczający - there could be more...

"There can be more discos in my school. Moreover, in my school
>an atmosphere is cool without this." - to 'moreover' tu nie bardzo pasuje, bo oznacza 'a co więcej' a ty wcale nie odnosisz się do wcześniejszej części zdania (moze byc wiecej dyskotek, a co więcej atmosfera w szkole bez nich jest fajna....?)
a miałem na mysli "form teacher", oczywiście. Po prostu czytasz w moich myślach :-)
mq ;P
dlaczego w pierwszym zdaniu jest schools. nie powinno być bez "s"
They don't like their school. (the same school they go to)
They don't like their schools. (different schools)
Hej, moglibyście sprawdzić poprawność mojej piosenki? ^^' Byłabym bardzo wdzięczna.

Little white dress

I wonder what could it happen
if she walk in the night with a white dress
and dreamy look in her eyes
maybe he embrace her tenderly

Her laugh, laugh, laugh
Guess what?!
She's sewing little white dress
What a pity that she can't do it faster

Scarlet! Where is your white dress?
lillte white dress, little white dress..

But now, I don't understnad
why he hold her shoulders in his arms.
Why does he embrace her so lightly?
Well.. I see his eyes wander over the room

Two silent shapes in the midnight
They sit in the shadow of the laces
And scrap of dress in his warm hands
Well.. I see her eyes wander over the room

Scarlet! Where is your white dress?
lillte white dress, little white dress..
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.