prosze sprawdzcie - to dla mnie ważne

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Chodze na kurs języka biznesowego. Mialam napisać e-mail o tym kursie do koleżanki. Możecie sprawdzić błedy. Będę bardzo wdzięczna.

Subject: English course

Hi Joann,

How are you doing?
I want say about my English course. In last few lessons we talk about communications. You know: Media, telephoning, e-mailing and advertising. We speak a lot and create own opinion about this problems. We was trying to find advantages and disadvantages different source of information and a role of news. We discuss it in the group using useful phrases.
Last time we talked about features of e-mails and how to prepare good e-mail. Second problem was advertising. Pros and cons of different way of ad, function and opinion about it.
Good news: we read a lot of articles and learn new words, idioms and phrases. But on the other hand we have many work.

At home I have to read article and shorten it. Secondly I have to write advantage and disadvantage of different ways of advertising. Thirdly I will be doing exercise and writing e-mail. And the last thing is preparing communications topic to my oral examination.

I enjoy learn English on this course. I have permanent contact with language. We still talk in our group and it is very good for my skills. The climate is nice and people in my class are very likeable. I hope to well prepared to LCCI examination. I can give you my materials.

I heard that you learn English in private school. Please tell me about your feeling. Do you enjoy it? What are you learning about? Give me some information please.

Speak to you soon,
Prosze poprawcie błędy - na pewno są. Nie jest to tekst ze słówkami biznesowaymi i z założenia ma byc raczej prosty. Bo maile pisze się krótko i zwięźle. Więc co sądzicie o moich wypocinach??
"We was trying to find advantages and disadvantages different
source of information and a role of news. We discuss it in the group
using useful phrases."
Tutaj uzycie czasu past continous minie sie nie podoba, a grup chyba powinno być w liczbie mnogiej. No chyba że rozmawiacie o tym w jednej grupie.
" But on the other hand we have many work." Praca jest niepolicznalna
"Thirdly I will be doing exercise and writing e-mail" Nie rozumiem... Dlaczego w poprzednich punktach użyłaś present simple a teraz ni z grusznki ni z pieruszki future simple?
"I enjoy learn English on this course" użyj gerund
Sam znam angielski strasznie słabo więc więc nie pomoge.
Aha i za te poprawki nie mogę ręczyć ;)
Dzieki za komentarz :) czekam na dalsze wskazówki
"In last few lessons we talk about communications." Czemu nie użyłaś czasu przeszłego?
"I want say about my" Czemu bez to? Chociaż z tą formą też sie spotykam bardzo często, to chyba jest niepoprawna.
"We discuss it in the group using useful phrases." Tu niebardzo wiem o co ci chodzi. chciałas powiedzieć że dyskutujecie o tym często czy że dyskutowaliście o tym ostatnio? Chyba troszke mieszasz te czasy.
"We still talk in our group and it is very good for my skills." still jakoś mnie nie pasuje jak na mój gust to brzmi tak jakbyś mówiła że jeszcze rozmawiacie po angielsku lepiej użyj always, usually, predominantly etc.
" hope to well prepared to LCCI examination" I hope to BE well prepared.
Ok kończe to poprawianie bo sam sie ucze angielskiego niewiele ponad rok :D
Rada ode mnie poćwicz sobie czasy.
Hi Joann,

How are you?
I want to tell you about my English course. During last few lessons, we were discussing communication, you know, the media, telephoning, sending e-mails, advertising. We spoke a lot and expressed our own opinions about those issues. We were trying to find advantages and disadvantages of different means of communication and also the role of news. While discussing these thing, we used a lot of useful phrases. At the last meeting, we were talking about the features of e-mails and how to write them well. The other problem we discussed was advertising. We mentioned such things as pros and cons of ads, their functions etc.

Good news is that we read a lot of articles and learn mew words, idioms and phrases, but, on the other hand, we have a lot of homework.
At home, I have to read the articles and summarise them. What is more, I have to find out what the advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of ads are. I also have to do some exercises and write an e-mail. Another thing I have to do is a kind of preparation a topic about communications for my oral exam.

I really enjoy learing English during this course because I am surrounded by the real language. We speak in groups, which improves my skills. Thr atmosphere in my group is very nice and people are very friendly. I hope that thanks to this course, I will prepare well for LCCI examination.

If you want, I can give you the course materials.
I have heard that you learn English at a private school. Please, tell me what you think about it. Do you enjoy it? What do you learn about?

I am looking forward to some news from you.

Take care,
wkradlo sie kilka literowek i minor errors, teraz juz chyba ok:

Hi Joann,

How are you?
I want to tell you about my English course. During last few lessons, we were discussing communication, you know, the media, telephoning, sending e-mails, advertising. We spoke a lot and expressed our own opinions about those issues. We were trying to find advantages and disadvantages of different means of communication and also the role of news. While discussing these things, we used a lot of useful phrases. At the last meeting, we were talking about the features of e-mails and how to write them well. The other problem we discussed was advertising. We mentioned such things as pros and cons of ads, their functions etc.

Good news is that we read a lot of articles and learn new words, idioms and phrases, but, on the other hand, we have a lot of homework.
At home, I have to read articles and summarise them. What is more, I have to find out what the advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of ads are. I also have to do some exercises and write an e-mail. Another thing I have to do is to prepare a topic about communication for my oral exam.

I really enjoy learning English during this course because I am surrounded by the real language. We speak in groups, which improves my skills. The atmosphere in my group is very nice and people are very friendly. I hope that thanks to this course, I will prepare well for LCCI examination.

If you want, I can give you the course materials.
I have heard that you learn English at a private school. Please, tell me what you think about it. Do you enjoy it? What do you learn about?

I am looking forward to some news from you.

Take care,

Dziękuje wam bardzo za rady i uwagi. Faktycznie czasami robie głupie błędy :) Ale uczyć się trzeba na błędach. Pozdrawiam!
Chciałam zwrócić uwagę że maile są mniej formalne od korespondencji biznesowej. Dlatego nie pisz I am tylko I'm.
Zakończ list najlepiej Cheers, a sformułowanie I'm looking forward... jest już zbędne. Poza tym jest ok :)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.




FCE - sesja zimowa 2004