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A film review. “The Village”

Recently I have watched “The Village” and I think, that this film is very impressive. It is a thriller, which keep in suspense for last minutes. Directed by M. Night Shyamalan, the film stars Joaquin Phoenix, Bryce Howard and Adrien Brody.
The plot centres in a quiet, isolated village in old Pennsylvania. Life is carry on quietly and harmonious, but as it turned out, that it was only simulation. In wood, which surrounds the village lives the creatures – They don’t enter the village, and people don’t enter the woods – this is a pact between the people of the village and the creatures. When the lack of medicines begin in the village, Lucius Hunt (Phoenix) – a young, full of courage and curiosity man, decided to break the pact, which was standing for many years. This decision support only two persons - Noah Percy (Brody), who is thought by inhabitants for unnatural and pretty, blind Ivy Walker (Howard). The creatures might have been able to attack, if the pact will be broken...
The script is general exciting, but sometimes it’s dull. I think, that the cast is excellent. Particularly, I pleased Ivy, which pilgrimage is a great parable about maturation.
Of cours the film isn’t flawless. While in general the film is captivating, I was less than impressed by the end. It don’t please me, and I think, that it must be more impressive.
This film is well worth seeing and I can thoroughly recommend it. See the film and find out, but always remember the rules:

Ja bym raczej zaczal:

"A movie I have recently watched is "The Village" and I'm very impressed." (takie zdanie chyba lepiej otwiera tekst, bardziej pasuje na wstep, choc tak, jak napisalas tez jest dobrze -- poza jednym: przed "that" w znaczeniu "że" nie stawiamy przecinka).

"It is a thriller that holds suspense into the final minutes." ("which" raczej przy wyborze, wyszczegolnieniu z wielu, "that" charakteryzuje)

"The story is set in a quiet, isolated village in old Pennsylvania." (the plot centres on a person, problem, etc.)

"Life goes on quietly and harmoniously, but -- as it turns out -- those are only appearances." (jeszcze lepiej byloby dac "but" w miejsce "only", ale to mogloby wzbudzic podejrzenie, ze nie Ty pisalas)

"In woods which surround the village live (dreadful) creatures; they don't enter the village, and people don't enter the woods -- that is a pact between the people of the village and the creatures." (las to "woods" []; pierwszy raz wspominajac o istotach nie mozesz uzyc "the", natomiast powinnas je przyblizyc jakims przymiotnikiem)

"When the village gets short on medicines, Lucius Hunt (Phoenix) -- a young man, full of courage and curiosity, decides to break the pact which stood for many years." (alternatywnie mogloby byc "When the lack of medicines starts plaguing the village...", ale to co wczesniej zaproponowalem zdaje mi sie najnaturalniejsze; "man" lepiej pasuje przy pierwszym epitecie; trzymaj sie jednego podstawowego czasu -- skoro o wszystkim mowisz w terazn. wiec "decides"; past simple, bo continuous jest tu niepotrzebny: nic nie zdarzylo sie w tym czasie, gdy pakt "stał", zatem jest to jednolita calosc okresu przeszlosci i opisujemy ja czasem past simple)

"This decision is supported by only two villagers -- Noah Percy (Brody), who is seen by others as unnatural [??] and a pretty, blind girl Ivy Walker (Howard)." ("persons" istnieje w zasadzie tylko w jez. biurokrat. -- "villagers" nie ma pejoratywnego nacechowania, takiego jak nasz "wieśniak", wiec nie trzeba miec obawy go uzywac; "inhabitants" jest tu nieco zbyt formalne, zreszta po uzyciu juz wczesniej "villagers" wypadloby zle -- "przez innych [pozostalych]" jest chyba ok?; jesli "unnatural" mialo oznaczac "sztuczny w zachowaniu, zgrywajacy sie lub malo spontaniczny" to wez "affected"; jesli nie wspominalas wczesniej o Ivy Walker to nie mozesz powiedziec o niej tylko "pretty, blind Ivy Walker", no i "a" ["niejaka"] jest w takim wypadku nieodzowne)

"The creatures might attack, if the pact is broken..." (piszesz w terazn., wiec klasyczny 2. okres war.)

"The plot is generally exciting, with some dull places." (takie zdanie bardziej "trzyma sie kupy" pod wzgl. logiki, no i recenzujesz chyba film, a nie scenariusz?)

"I think that the cast is excellent." (bez przecinka; a w ogole, po co to "I think"?)

(Oj, musze sie streszczac...)

"My particular admiration was won by Ivy, whose pilgrimage is a great parable of maturation." ("ktorej" czyli "czyja" = whose)

"Of course, the film is not flawless." (nie skracaj do "isn't" w pismie niedialogowym; przecinek po "of course")

"[...] by the ending."

"It did not satisfy me and I think there should have been something stronger waiting for us." ("impressive" juz bylo...)

"[...] find out [??] [...]" -- Find out what? A moze "[...] find out its mystery [...]" -- brzmi dobrze, ale czy ma sens, nie wiem, bo nie ogladalem ;)

Chyba pomoglem :)


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