kosmos - pomocy !!!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
jestem początkujący potrzebuję kilka zdań opisujących kosmos ale nie ze skąplikowanym słownictwem np. o Marsie że mieszkają tam marsjanie , obce istoty ok.7-8 zdań.
Choose something of this:)

It's known that 9 planets orbit the Sun. There have been many solar system objects that have been discovered recently, but none of them have been classified as planets. These objects have been called asteroids, minor-planets, trans-neptunian objects.
Once some ancient astonaut discovered object which he first thought was a new star. But after its orbit was better determined, later, it was clear that it was not a star but more like a comet. By the end of the 19th century there were several hundred.
Several hundred thousand comets and asteroids have been discovered and given provisional designations so far. Thousands more are discovered each year.
Conventional wisdom says the Moon is devoid of atmosphere, and this may be close enough to the truth, the space just above the lunar surface is not a total vacuum. Some scientists identified helium and argon atoms there, and other Earth-based observations added sodium and potassium ions to the list.
Early on, Mars became a favorite subject of scientific study because of its obvious life potential. Why Go to Mars? A four-pound rock that left Mars 16 million years ago may hold the clues to ancient life on the planet. The rock is one of 13 Mars meteorites found on Earth. These rocks may contain clues to the ancient history of planet Mars, believed to have been a warmer, wetter place over 3 billion years ago.
Staralem sie prosto. Troszke za dlugie mi chyba wyszlo, ale pragnalem, zeby to byla jakas logiczna calosc.

The Universe, or the Space, are two names of the great expanse that sorrounds the planet Earth. However, the Earth is not the centre of it. In fact, we don't know the centre of the Universe or its boundaries. We are still learning about the Space. We are now quite familar with that part of it which is nearest to us -- that is: with our Solar System. Solar systems are structures that consist of a star (usually one) and planets. Stars are huge balls of gases which fuel permanent nuclear reactions as long as a star lives. This produces lots of energy, part of which is a very strong light that can be seen for billions and billions of miles. Planets come from lumps of matter which take on a regular spheric shape as they rotate around their star. Stars that accompanied by planets are called suns. There are also stars, however, that do not create solar systems. Our Solar System has nine planets but most probably the Earth is the only one of them to have biological life. The question of life's existence anywhere else in Space is one of the most exciting questions to mankind.
Trzeba było od razu napisać po angielsku i przetłumaczyć na polski. Shrek nie musiałby ksywy zmieniać ;))).

A przy okazji mala errata: "Stars that *are not* accompanied []"
O kurka! Blad - powinno byc: "Stars that *are* accompanied []"

Ogromnie wszystkich przepraszam :(
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


FCE - sesja zimowa 2004