W ktorym kraju zyje sie emigrantom najlepiej ??

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W ktorym kraju zyje sie emigrantom najlepiej ??
Tam gdzie im najlepiej pasuje... Tzn kazdy jest inny i ma inne oczekiwania od danego kraju. Zalezy tez od miasta w ktorym sie zyje itp itd. Czyli - wszystko zalezy od ciebie samego. Jednemu bedzie sie swietnie zylo w Nowej Zelandii a innemu w Anglii, jeszcze innemu w RPA...
Stawiam na Kanade....Kraj wielkich mozliwosci. ...
Zgadzam sie z Joann. Kanada to kraj emigrantow, najbardziej tolerancyjny dla emigrantow. Akcent nie ma tam znaczenia.
Europejskie kraje sa z natury rzeczy dosc nacjonalistyczne z dominacja nacji rodzimej, gdzie emigrantem jest sie do konca zycia. W Europie akcent MA DUZE ZNACZENIE. I wiekszosc emigrantow zyje w Europie w swego rodzaju gettach kulturowych i dosc trudno sie asymilowac.
W USA pod tym wzgledem jest ciut lepiej, jako ze kraj ten kiedys tez byl zasiedlany, acz choc tylko pare wiekow odgrywa role to jednak istnieje juz OLD BOYS NETWORK, yankesow czy red necks:)), i nowoprzybyli nie sa tak szybko asymilowani w local communities. Foreigner pozostaje zawsze foreign.
Myśle ze to zalezy od potrzeby wyjazdu,celu i szcęscia
Ja bym wyjechał ale z całą rodziną i teraz jest problem który kraj mnie przyjmie.Mam pare krajów do których bym pojechał NZ.USA, Canada,ANGLIA itp.It tak można rozmawiać godzinami Pozdrawiam.
When you talk like a foreigner and act like a foreigner you WILL BE treated like a foreigner. What do you expect???

On the other hand if you want to assimilate and attempt to lose your funny accent and your funny foreign ways then you'll have no more problems assimilating after moving from another country than you'd have if you moved from another state.

Conversely, if you want to keep your old ways, don't complain that you can't assimilate or better yet go back to wherever you came from.

It's "good old boys" network and it exists EVERYWHERE not only in some countries.

If you intend to insult certain groups at least learn the proper spelling of those insults. "Redneck" is one word.

Try not to use Po-nglish (Polish-English combination) - you're only embarrassing yourself.
Don't patronize me please because it is pathetic and witness only your manners!!! Forums are about DEMOCRACY so everybody has a right to write here what he likes and how he likes in the combination that he LIKES. Yes, I do make occasional typos. I know how to spell redneck as I am unfortunately surrounded by some of them in my local community. So what!? At least I am not yet another arrogant buffoon, who seem to think that is Mr. KNOW- IT-ALL. With this kind of attitude YOU ARE ONLY embarrassing yourself. Let other people write and think what they want, stop patronizing and behave like tolerant person!

Good Old boys network based on the years of belonging to community and other "tribal" issues is a diffrent phenomenon than CONNECTIONS that suppose open all door. The latter one exist everywhere. I lived in Poland, Sweden, United Kingdom, and I can only assure you that that American sense of "belogning to community and guarding it" has a very nationalistic characteristic. You have to leave metropolies like NYC, LA etc. and go inland, try to assimilate with the locals and you will learn how it functions.

>On the other hand if you want to assimilate and attempt to lose your
>funny accent and your funny foreign ways then you'll have no more
>problems assimilating after moving from another country than you'd
>have if you moved from another state.

What an utter Bull*****Beeeeeeep!!!!!!!!!!! I have emigrated from Poland 10 years ago. I studied in London, I worked and studied in San Francisco meeting various people all this time. And I have NEVER N E V E R met ANYBODY, who lost completely accent if emigrated as an ADULT!!!!! The vocal cords and the accent is shaped in the childhood and the early adolescence. I know a family that emigrated 15 years ago with two children. One kid was 8, the other was 16. Today, 15 years later they younger one is perfectly bilingual, while the older one speaks both languages perfectly well but STILL has a slight accent in the background. It is common case; I know people who live in California for 20 years and still have subtle but EXISTING accents!!!!
Even my husband is recognized after few mintutes that he is British and not American! And he moved to California 25 years ago!!!! And trust me, it takes a while to recognize it! You can speak correctly and have a perfect pronuncation but your slight accent remains even after 20 years!!! It might seem to some people that they speak with a perfect American accent, overdoing American R ( typical; hahahaha:))))) but if they ask ANY HONEST Native speaker, he or she will quickly point out this SLAVONIC SOMETHING in the background in the way we pronounce vowels!
My patronizing is a direct response to the quality of your post. I've read a number of posts from you and the majority of them consist of your displays of bitterness, crying and whining about how bad it is in the States, how well-educated you are but the "natives" don't seem to be recognizing it, how you lived in this or that country so it makes you an expert on it, etc.
I really don't get it - if you're so sick and tired of this intolerant, "nationalistic," closed, "good-old-boy networked" country filled with dimwitted rednecks like me why on earth won't you LEAVE?!?

Regarding accents - you are overestimating the skills and abilities to recognize various accents by the Americans. Maybe you are dealing mostly with linguistic Ph.D's or the intelligence officers but if you're among us rednecks, UNLESS you sound clearly foreign (notice FOREIGN not specifically SLAVIC) you will be recognized as being "not from around here" and 90% of population won't be able to tell that it is foreign not to mention trying to pin point the country/region of your accent.

I guess my point related to accents was lost in the original post so let me make it clear this time:

Speak English when you're in America and want to be treated like an American.

>You have to leave metropolies like
>NYC, LA etc. and go inland, try to assimilate with the locals and you
>will learn how it functions.

You are making a huge (and most of the time erroneous) assumptions here thinking that I live in one of the METROPOLITAN areas ("metropolies" is NOT a word) and need to go "inland" to see how things work.
Ale z Ciebie dupek! Za kogo sie uwazasz zeby pouczac ludzi , jeszcze w taki sposob??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"if you want to keep your old ways, don't complain that you can't assimilate or better yet go back to wherever you came from" - no oczywiscie bo to najlepiej - po co w ogole ci cudzoziemcy tu przyjezdzaja... Tylko sie troche zapomina ze to kochane USA to wlasnie z imigrantow powstalo i z tych funny foreign ways... Moze by tak troche spkojniej?????? NIe zawsze sie zgadzam z Ritka ale do licha ona ma sporo racji. Poza tym ma ona prawo narzekac jesli taka ochote ma - a jakbys troche wiecej poczytal to bys wiedzial czemu ona w USA jest i ze nie zawsze ona na tym forum narzeka :-)
"Speak English when you're in America and want to be treated like an
American." =- hahahahahahahahahahaha
- czyli wsio zalatwi to ze mowie po angielsku?????? I to jest propaganda :-) Gdyby zycie bylo takie proste... Fakt ze sa ciolki co to jada i sa wielce zdziwieni ze musza znac angielski (choc sa i tacy giganci co siedza w tych polskich enklawach po kilkanascie czasem kilkadziesiat lat i angielskiego ni w zab bo polski im wystarcza).
I sorry nie wiem czemu ale mi to bardzo pachnie stylem wypowiedzi rodem onetu pt a u nas w USA...
Ale to tak wsio na marginesie
Mr Redneck:
I am very realistic person and certainly not a complainer. And as Kasiul accurately noticed, not all of my posts are full of complains. You see in my posts what you want and seem to me that you are lacking any criticizm.

I try to help anybody ask me for among students or I am giving REALISTIC picture of immigration as I have a lot of experience in this field. My job allows me to travel and compare...
With regards to my life... hmm.... I think I am managing pretty well, You are nobody to advice the person you have never to leave and soap opera drama is only in your head, dear.

No, I am sorry but I don't know Americans here who don't recognize foreigner let alone Slavonic accents right away!!! Too many Russians around. HAHHAHAHAHA!!! ANd.... they aren't all Phd's :))) (By the way, you seem to constipate if you hear about educated people. Any problems with that??!)Some of our friends ended with high school diploma. Lot's of my husb workers completed only primary school.

Kasiul: Nic dodac nic ujac w Twojej wypowiedzi. Pozdrawiam Kasie.
Redneck, czy jestes jednym z tych co nosza gacie z amerykanska flaga i wyja Amerykanski hymn przy kazdej okazji przegryzajac refren McDonaldem?
Prosze bardzo Rita :-) Po prostu troche zdrowego rozsadku i nawet jeslibym nie byla w rzeszy imigrantow to wnioski te same.
A swoja droga co to niby mialy byc te funny ways czy jakos tak o ktorych to mamy zpaomniec zeby sie zasymilowac wg Pana Rednecka????? Zaprzestac gotowania bigosu czy jak? Bo jakis ekstrawagancji typowo polskich raczej sobie nie przypominam - kumam np maoryskie funny ways jak sobie tam jakies lisci bananow z miechem wrzucaja do dolu i kopca tak przez kilka godzin bo podobno rarytas... NIech mnie ktos oswieci blagam bo inaczej sie nie zasymiluje!!!!!!!!! A moze to ten barszcz... Ujjjjj, chyba juz zawsze bede funny immigrant, oporny na asymilacje.... :-/
Pozdrawiam, z przymrozeniem oka Kasiul :-)
Mr Redneck.
metropolies is my yet another typo, I inteded to write metropolis= po polsku metropolia. (consult any dictionaryif you wish...) Forgive my typos and mess in writing but I write on this website with the sandwich in my mouth ( lunch), while doing some excel boring calculations (right now)... I don't thrive emotionally on my posts here... Too much fun in my life to care!

By the way, I recommend a good cream with SPF for that RED NECK:))) ;)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.