Praca licencjacka

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy to zdanie jest poprawnie, kolejne poprawki, mam juz dosyc tej pracy licencjackiej!!!!!

The last section of this chapter includes teaching strategies and learning activities, which facilitate the process of teaching English as a foreign language through the use of multiple intelligences.
The last section of this chapter includes teaching strategies and learning activities, which facilitate the process of teaching English as a foreign language through the use of 'multiple intelligences' (cos mi to jakos sie siedzi tutaj - nie rozumiem o co chodzi).
The last section of this chapter includes teaching strategies and learning activities, which both facilitate the process of teaching English as a foreign language through the use of multiple intelligences

The last section of this chapter includes teaching strategies and learning activities, (cos tutaj tego przecinka nie lubie, bo to dla czytajacego daje znac, ze..te strategie maja wiecej jak jeden cel - 'both' wg mnie tutaj by odnosilo sie do 2 strategii, i mysle ze to jest mylace. Gdy 'strategies and activities' maja sie uznawac jako 'facilitators' to wg mni, nie potrzeba slowa 'which' i zmienilabym na 'both facilitating the process') which both facilitate the process of teaching English as a foreign language through the use of multiple intelligences.
I dalej nie wiem co to jest ' multiple intelligences- ale sprawdze na google.


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