1.They're making the decision now.
The decision [MADE] now.
2.We have already paid for everything.
Everything .
3.What you're doing now is unreasonable!
4.When did you start being interested in History?
[SINCE] interested in History?
5.I know the deadline for the assignment...
I [FINISHED] the assignment before it's time to hand it in.
6.It's possible they've gone in any direction, so it's impossible to find them now.
They [MAY] in any direction...
7.She doesn't want you to get late.
She [RATHER, YOU] late.
8.He's lazy, as he believes working had does not pay off.
He's lazy, as he believes it [WORTH] hard.
Czy teraz ktoś może mi powiedziec czy cos z tego jest poprwnie?