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mam takie pytanko: czy certyfikat CELTA w ogole jest w Polsce rozpoznawany jako wystarczajace kwalifikacje do nauczania angielskiego? Jest to certyfikat Cambridge uprawniajacy do nauczania ang. na calym swiecie, no ale my czasami jestesmy 'inni' ...:)))pozdrawiam!
Jak najbardziej.
dzieki xxx
Chodzi ci o (a) nauczanie w szkołach językowych, czy (b) w szkołach publicznych typu podstawówka, gimnazjum, liceum?

(a) tak, jeśli właściciel ma takie widzi-misię
(b) nie

chodzilo mi o a) - ze wzgledow finansowych,
b) - no wlasnie, wiedzialam, ze jestesmy 'inni' :)))
b) żeby uczyć w tych szkołach to trzeba mieć przygotowanie pedagogiczne i chyba na całym świecie tak jest.
Ile trwa kurs CELTA?
Po odbyciu CELTY robisz szkolenie metodologiczne nie pedagogiczne, stad ograniczenie. Jeśli jednak zrobisz przygotowanie pedagogoczne, mozesz uczyć gdzie Ci sie zywnie podoba:)
Pani Iwińska, mowiła, że chyba kilka miesięcy, ale nie dam sobie glowy uciąc. Sporo kosztuje - to wiem na pewno. :)
o, "pani', dobry znak
Mnie mówiła, że trwa krócej, stąd mam wątpliwości.
znajomi robili intensywny kurs w wakacje - CAŁE wakacje.
wiem tylko jak jest w U.K.,ale pewnie w Polsce jest podobnie:

1 miesiac pon.-piat. ok.6godz.dziennie, ok.1200funtow=ok.6600zl
3 miesiace, 3xtyg. ok.3godz.dziennie, ok.1300funtow=ok.7200zl

duzo zalezy od wykladowcow, ale generalnie dosc ciezko i stresujaco
Na jakim poziomie? Coz, czym blizej native, tym lepiej. Przyjeto mnie na kurs DELTA z certyfikatem CPE. Co ciekawe, spytano mnie, czy robilam wczesniej CELTE -nie robilam, ale nie byl to problem. Aha, i koniecznie co najmniej 2 lata doswiadczenia w nauczaniu tez trzeba miec. Jesli chodzi o assignments, ktore piszesz w czasie kursu, wymogi sa takie: "Zdajemy sobie sprawe z faktu, ze nie wszyscy kandydaci to native speakers of English, ale wymagamy, by prace pisemne nie zawieraly BLEDOW JEZYKOWYCH"
A, sorki, myslalam, ze pytasz o DELTE. Co do CELTY, mysle, ze wymogi nie sa moze az tak wysrubowane, ale nie jestem pewna jaki konkretnie poziom.
Moj maz robil ten kurs w Polsce - miesiac wyjety z zyciorysu -bardzo intensywny kurs.
Wejdz sobie na te strony:


Tam znajdziesz wszystko o kursie CELTA.

W Krakowie w IH zrobisz kurs najtaniej, sa co miesiac wiec mozna wybrac termin.


Kurs jest intensywny i faktycznie miesiac jest wyrwany z zyciorysu, ale warto- po kursie otwieraja sie drzwi do wiekszosci szkol prywatnych w Europie (w tym i w Polsce) i Azji.
yeah, it's true INTERNATIONAL HOUSE KRAKOW is no longer running CELTAs - they got disaffiliated from IH WORLD and then, from what i understand - lost their approval to run CAMBRIDGE CELTA courses.

for anyone interested in doing a CELTA in POLAND, I highly recommend the one they now offer at British Council in Krakow - just finished mine :)

apparently its the same team of tutors who used to work for INTERNATIONAL HOUSE in KRAKOW but since the school lost its approval they have set up a new centre with British Council.

by the way, doing CELTA itself is an amazing experience - the one I’ve just done was an excellent course, great tutors, hard work - very intensive yet unforgettable four weeks - will always remember my CELTA in the main square - RYNEK, at BRITISH COUNCIL. no time for sightseeing but looking out onto the old square compensates for it sufficiently during the course :)

BUT I REALLY FEEL I couldn't have done it without the help and support of the tutors - Magda, Basia, Declan and Tommy - they are an awesome team :)

anyway, be prepared to work hard, sleep short hours and dream about your students -
the most amazing thing is that you do get through it, regardless of how intensive or hard it seems at different stages of the course

and once you're through - you almost feel like a different person.
anyway, my CELTA was great - fantastic people - other trainees and the tutors
all in all- worth doing,

from my little research before the course, i found that the course at BRITISH COUNCIL is a bit more expensive than in other centres - WROCLAW or KATOWICE- these two only do course during summer - one or two months only- (but actually quite a bit cheaper than a CELTA in PRAGUE for example). But BC does certainly make up for it with the facilities they have including interactive whiteboards - can you imagine starting your lesson generating interest in the topic by showing an extract from u-tube on a big screen - lots of fun !!! and students love it (and they really get into the lesson - so if you are not so great at grammar - your ENGAGE stage will help you get through the lesson). And what often helped me to get through mine were the ideas and help i got from the tutors as to how to get sts active in discovering the grammar rules by themselves.

have fun - do CELTA and discover how it might change your live - you learn a lot about yourself during those four weeks
yeah, it's true INTERNATIONAL HOUSE KRAKOW is no longer running CELTAs - they got disaffiliated from IH WORLD and then, from what i understand - lost their approval to run CAMBRIDGE CELTA courses.

for anyone interested in doing a CELTA in POLAND, I highly recommend the one they now offer at British Council in Krakow - just finished mine :)

apparently its the same team of tutors who used to work for INTERNATIONAL HOUSE in KRAKOW but since the school lost its approval they have set up a new centre with British Council.

by the way, doing CELTA itself is an amazing experience - the one I’ve just done was an excellent course, great tutors, hard work - very intensive yet unforgettable four weeks - will always remember my CELTA in the main square - RYNEK, at BRITISH COUNCIL. no time for sightseeing but looking out onto the old square compensates for it sufficiently during the course :)

BUT I REALLY FEEL I couldn't have done it without the help and support of the tutors - Magda, Basia, Declan and Tommy - they are an awesome team :)

anyway, be prepared to work hard, sleep short hours and dream about your students -
the most amazing thing is that you do get through it, regardless of how intensive or hard it seems at different stages of the course

and once you're through - you almost feel like a different person.
anyway, my CELTA was great - fantastic people - other trainees and the tutors
all in all- worth doing,

from my little research before the course, i found that the course at BRITISH COUNCIL is a bit more expensive than in other centres - WROCLAW or KATOWICE- these two only do course during summer - one or two months only- (but actually quite a bit cheaper than a CELTA in PRAGUE for example). But BC does certainly make up for it with the facilities they have including interactive whiteboards - can you imagine starting your lesson generating interest in the topic by showing an extract from u-tube on a big screen - lots of fun !!! and students love it (and they really get into the lesson - so if you are not so great at grammar - your ENGAGE stage will help you get through the lesson). And what often helped me to get through mine were the ideas and help i got from the tutors as to how to get sts active in discovering the grammar rules by themselves.

have fun - do CELTA and discover how it might change your live - you learn a lot about yourself during those four weeks
yeah, it's true INTERNATIONAL HOUSE KRAKOW is no longer running CELTAs - they got disaffiliated from IH WORLD and then, from what i understand - lost their approval to run CAMBRIDGE CELTA courses.

for anyone interested in doing a CELTA in POLAND, I highly recommend the one they now offer at British Council in Krakow - just finished mine :)

apparently its the same team of tutors who used to work for INTERNATIONAL HOUSE in KRAKOW but since the school lost its approval they have set up a new centre with British Council.

by the way, doing CELTA itself is an amazing experience - the one I’ve just done was an excellent course, great tutors, hard work - very intensive yet unforgettable four weeks - will always remember my CELTA in the main square - RYNEK, at BRITISH COUNCIL. no time for sightseeing but looking out onto the old square compensates for it sufficiently during the course :)

BUT I REALLY FEEL I couldn't have done it without the help and support of the tutors - Magda, Basia, Declan and Tommy - they are an awesome team :)

anyway, be prepared to work hard, sleep short hours and dream about your students -
the most amazing thing is that you do get through it, regardless of how intensive or hard it seems at different stages of the course

and once you're through - you almost feel like a different person.
anyway, my CELTA was great - fantastic people - other trainees and the tutors
all in all- worth doing,

from my little research before the course, i found that the course at BRITISH COUNCIL is a bit more expensive than in other centres - WROCLAW or KATOWICE- these two only do course during summer - one or two months only- (but actually quite a bit cheaper than a CELTA in PRAGUE for example). But BC does certainly make up for it with the facilities they have including interactive whiteboards - can you imagine starting your lesson generating interest in the topic by showing an extract from u-tube on a big screen - lots of fun !!! and students love it (and they really get into the lesson - so if you are not so great at grammar - your ENGAGE stage will help you get through the lesson). And what often helped me to get through mine were the ideas and help i got from the tutors as to how to get sts active in discovering the grammar rules by themselves.

have fun - do CELTA and discover how it might change your live - you learn a lot about yourself during those four weeks
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